Food can affect your emotions and your moods.  Studies are showing that our gut is our second brain.  If you suffer from depression and/or anxiety, one of the things you should look at is what you are eating.  Processed foods would be a big NO.  Sugar would be a big NO.  Fresh “real” food is what your gut needs to help with your moods.  What are some of those foods?  Here are a list of 10.

  1. Eggs

Eggs are full of minerals and vitamins. They also have choline which is found to improve our memory and our overall mental abilities.  Stop believing that eggs are full of cholesterol and bad for you.  That’s been debunked.

  1. Flax Seed

Flax seed is great way to get your omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium.  You can add flax seeds to a number of meals to help ensure a healthy brain and proper levels of neurotransmitters. Also, grounded flax seed can be added some to your morning oatmeal for a quick boost of these nutrients. Know that once flax seed is ground, it goes rancid very quickly.  I do grind my seeds, put in a mini mason jar and put in the freezer so I don’t have to grind every time I need it.

  1. Greek Yogurt

You want to be sure your Greek Yogurt is organic from grass-fed cows.  If you find that type, then know it is full of Vitamin B12, zinc and a great source of protein.  Protein is filling and it is great to have some sort of protein with each meal.  Greek Yogurt helps to support your nervous system also.

  1. Lentils

Legumes are a great source of complex carbohydrates and protein.  They help increase the absorption of tryptophan.  Lentils increase iron levels also help to enhance your neurotransmitter activity.  This is important for stress and fatigue.

  1. Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast can be sometimes called “nooch.”  It is a flaky yellow substance that is packed with energy-enhancing, stress-reducing B-vitamins.  B Vitamins are necessary to aid your neurotransmitters and converting tryptophan to serotonin.

  1. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of neurotransmitter-building magnesium.  They are good for digestion, muscle soreness, healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates.  They are a great snack to balance your energy all day.

  1. Quinoa

Eating grass-fed animal protein with a whole grain like quinoa will increase the absorption of the amino acid tryptophan.  Tryptophan are an essential building block for increasing your serotonin.   It will help boost your mood and improve sleep quality.  Quinoa is also a great source of magnesium and B-vitamins, which aid in neurotransmitter creation.

  1. Raspberries

Raspberries are a great source of vitamin C and fiber.  But truly be sure they are organic.  They give you the Vitamin C you need when you feel stressed out.  The fiber will help with digestion in your gut.

  1. Red Cabbage

Antioxidant-rich red cabbage is full of phytochemicals.  These phytochemicals may help the body deal with stress. They also are known to protect your brain from memory loss.

  1. Salmon

Healthy fish these days are hard to get.  I never buy Farm Raised … even from Whole Foods who promises its safely done.  Wild caught is known to be the best.  With that being said, Salmon has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.  It is shown that eating salmon a couple times a week can help prevent depression and dementia. One of the ways of maintaining adequate brain health can be achieved by getting adequate levels of monounsaturated fats.

Let me help you in changing the food that’s in your pantry to bring health into your body, mind and soul?  Here’s your link to get started.   Yes, I want to change my pantry!


Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach  … believing in you!



10 Foods to Boost Your Mood