New Study on Safety of Aspartame!

A few weeks ago, I did a Blog post Is Aspartame Safe For You?  If you haven’t read that Post, here is the link for easy access  Blog – Is Aspartame Safe For You?.  Today I want to continue this discussion on the safety of Aspartame from a study done by the International Agency for […]

Is Aspartame Safe for You?

I know I’ve spoken on Aspartame before but felt it was worth writing about it again.  It grieves me to see people taking in this chemical as the long-term side effects can be detrimental to one’s health.  This image created by Raw For Beauty lays it out nicely Getting Back to Basics! I believe it’s […]

25 Different Sugars and Their Effects On Your Body!

I’m not sure if this is the perfect teaching to send the day after Mother’s Day as many times, we indulge that day in sweets.  But regardless of having a day or a few days of having sugar in your diet, I think this video by Dr. Livingood is VERY informative regarding the different types […]

Health Does Not Happen in Your Doctor’s office!

Spring is in the air.  I’m not sure where all my readers are in the United States, but here in Connecticut we are enjoying some breakthrough of Spring.  As I write this message to you, it is 55 degrees outside.  It definitely is starting to feel like Spring. Today I want to talk with you […]

Four Steps to Turn Your Health Around!

Today I want to discuss with you some steps you can take to turn your health around.  Are these the only steps that should be taken?  Not necessarily but taking these steps will encompass much to help bring you positive results.  What are the steps? Step #1 – Be Sure to Take Care of Yourself […]

Deciding is Just the First Step!

How many of you read the statement in this picture and answer with the number 4?  I believe I did the first time I saw it, but it didn’t take me long to realize that I had the wrong answer. Read it again and take a few minutes to really read each word and be […]

Is Your Body Building Up in Mercury?

I remember back in 2015 when I was dealing with intense levels of insomnia and unexplained anxiety, I decided to give Essential Oils a try.  Medications are always a last resort for me.  Although I did find relief on some level, my sleep was still not where I wanted it nor where it should be, and […]

What Are Your Thoughts on Raw Milk?

My purchase of dairy has changed over the years.  For the past 10-12 years I only purchased “organic” dairy but was very disappointed when I realized that the organic milk I was purchasing was “ultra-pasteurized.” Why did “ultra-pasteurized” milk concern me?  Because milk that is heated to over 280 degrees (ultra-pasteurized) has removed all nutritional value […]

Will These Food Labels Surprise You?

Bear with me as I write again about the necessity of being vigilant about reading labels and the foods you eat.  I’m not sure if food manufacturers are getting worse in what they are producing, or we are just being more aware. I’m pretty much an organic eater and thought (at one time) that if something was […]

We Must Be Vigilant In Understanding Our Food!

I hope this Blog Post finds you well and that you had a splendid weekend.  My weekend was quiet, I was able to finish off the top of a new quilt and get started on another one. Quilting has become a great passion of mine and I’m loving what it emotionally has done for me.  Soon […]