We cannot forget the health of our furry friends.  Great article by Honest Paws!

CBD has been making front news lately. Yes, CBD as in cannabidiol! The industry keeps growing and developing into different markets. We continue to see hemp and it’s calming extract everywhere since Congress decriminalized the harmless strain of cannabis in December. CBD’s growth in cosmetics, foods, alternative medicine and recently in the pet market are only a few examples of how it’s finding its way with different companies! This pretty much explains the incredible demand it has taken over so many products. Now pets everywhere are getting in touch with the possibilities CBD can offer to their overall health and relief.

Dogs, cats and even horses are part of this trendy health boost! Its powerful curative properties are supporting ailing animals from different breeds and health backgrounds. The way CBD works on animals is pretty simple and no different from how it reacts on our humanly-bodies. Thanks to the endocannabinoid system, the CB1 receptors react to the intake, making our bodies release soothing, curative and relieving reactions. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system, which makes most of our popular beloved-pets capable of consuming CBD products.

Before considering buying CBD for pets it is important to keep an eye out for a couple of guidelines. One of the highlights is it to make sure it is full spectrum CBD. Also, it’s important to buy hemp-derived CBD products designed for pets. It’s also a good recommendation to see the company’s Certificate of Analysis, this way you can easily see the products lab results and the content percentage of CBD it contains. When derived from hemp, it promises psychoactive-free reactions. By keeping these in mind you’ll surely reach the perfect product for your pet!

Here’s a list of the many ways CBD can help your furry friend:

Manages and prevents anxiety

It is proven that CBD can lower the stressors that trigger anxiety. It comes in handy when your pet is left alone for prolonged amounts of time, also works when traveling.

Lessens the frequency and severity of seizures

CBD helps lower the frequency of seizures, thanks to the way it interacts with our nervous system. The best part is it could help minimize the use of conventional drugs that usually carry harsh side effects.

CBD for pain

CBD helps relief pain by interacting with the receptors the brain uses to indicate pain in the body.

Reduces and prevents inflammation

Reduces inflammation that could eventually turn into chronic diseases.

Has an anti-tumor effect

Studies have found that CBD interacts with tumors, it showed reductions in size. It has also effectively diminished cancerous cells in the body.

Boosts the immune system

By boosting the immune system an overall positive decrease in allergies and other immune-related issues should be alleviated.


This shows the wonderful advantages of having CBD in your at-home remedies drawer. You never know when you might need it! But it sure comes in handy since it has so many uses!

Before trying the CBD products it is important to a check-up with your vet.  CBD on pets can be given in many different ways. From tinctures, treats or even CBD infused snacks make it easy to administer. Make sure to keep an eye out on your pet’s behavior, that way you will make sure if it is working or not. You as a pet owner will be the judge of the CBD craze.

Submitted By Hermes Maldonado





CBD For Pets