Sweater Weather Diffuser Blend!

For those of us up North, it is still sweater weather.  Some days are warmer than others and as far as Connecticut is concerned, we’ve had a very mild winter.  AND I am not complaining. This new Diffuser Blend is lovely, and I hope you give it a try!  Juniper Berry has a woodsy, piney […]

100 Uses for Essential Oils PDF!

Using Essential Oils, I believe, is a great way to support health and healing for your body.  I’ve received inquiries about understanding Essential Oils on a greater level.  Soon I will be creating some Webinars on Essential Oils but until they are completed, I’m providing you with some helpful information. Essential Oils is a great […]

It’s a Winter Wonderland Diffuser Blend!

Here in Connecticut this afternoon we are having snow or at least we started to.  It just stopped.  But we are supposed to have more snow later this afternoon but then turning to rain.  It hasn’t been much of a Winter Wonderland here in CT but I’m really not complaining.  It’s saving on our now […]

A Diffuser Blend That Will Add the Aroma of Baking

I love this Winter Diffuser Blend.  It will bring the aroma into your home like you are baking something delicious.  Cinnamon Bark will fill your room with a warm scent.  It can also purify the air.  Tangerine has a sweet and tangy aroma.  Clove Bud will give you a lingering, warm aroma and lastly Bergamot […]

Two Winter Diffuser Blends – More Brr!

I’m sending along two more Winter Diffuser Blends.  The first one called Frosted Windows has a few of oils I think you will love.  We have a grounding oil (Cedarwood), an uplifting oil (Spearmint) and one that will help clear the head (Eucalyptus).  Of course, Douglas Fir is my most favorite in the evergreen family.  […]

Brrr … Essential Oils Diffuser Blend to Warm that Chill in the Air!

Do you feel a chill from the cold weather these days?  Consider diffusing these Essential Oils to warm up your environment. You have two oils that support strong brain health … Rosemary and Frankincense.  Cedarwood and Douglas Fir will remind you of the outdoors.  They are calming and grounding. I think you will enjoy this […]

A Warm & Cozy Diffuser Blend!

Nothing like sitting by the fire or wrapped in your favorite quilt having a quiet evening unwinding from the day and adding the touch of a warm & cozy diffuser blend.  I think you are going to love this new diffuser blend with some awesome essential oils. These are some of my favorite oils for […]

Christmas Diffuser Blend!

Let’s diffuse essentials oils with this recipe!!  I don’t know about you, but my Christmas Tree is still up. I put it up two days after Thanksgiving and will take it down by the 18th of this month and that’s only because my garbage company will haul it away on that day.  Otherwise, I might […]

Sharing A “Spiced” Diffuser Blend!

I have been using Essential Oils since 2015 and I love them.  You can diffuse them, apply them topically and even ingest them (the ones that are deemed ingestible). At night when I go to bed, I am always diffusing a relaxing blend.   But when I’m in my office I have oils that take […]

Is Your Sleep Restorative and What To Do?

This time of the year can be such a busy time for us with preparing for Hannukah and Christmas that we can tend to not get the sleep our bodies require and need. Why is Sleep Important? Sleep is so important as it replenishes our body for the next day.  Sleep helps our body to […]