Do you have that desire inside you to create? Whether it’s business or a craft, I believe…
Women were designed to create!
I have always desired to create. I say “desired” because that was my heart but the pain from my trauma paralyzed me. My mother taught me to sew when I was in High School and bless her heart for her patience because STUPID was written all over me. I struggled to move forward when something was hard, or I made a mistake and had to take it apart. Actually, there were many times she took it apart and fixed it for me.
For many years I tried to be healed by doing it the world’s way going and going to therapy. As much as that was good it wasn’t complete. It wasn’t until I allowed the Lord in my life to bring me to complete healing in various issues in my life, did I begin to have freedom.
In 2021, I started to quilt. I took a class for about 9 months and made a few quilts. Then I ventured on my own. I made some detailed quilts that took hours and hours to create (like cut 640 2.5-inch squares). But I developed patience and persevered to the end. Today I’ve made 27 quilts as well as other little projects.
Some have been gifts; some I’ve given away just because and some I want to offer for sale. I hope you find something that moves you. Know they are made with the utmost of love and attention.
If you would like to purchase a quilt, please email me at [email protected] to let me know which one you desire. I will then send you a PayPal link.