I will to bring you to a life of peace, love, joy, and health!

Giving You a Fresh Start After Trauma!

I want to guide you to a life of peace, love, joy, and health!

Are you overwhelmed with…?

Fear, Worry, Anxiety, Stress?

Many of us live in fear because of our past trauma that we’ve experienced. We also live in a society where fear is constantly being promoted. It’s how they sell you their wears, get you to take medications, buy insurance, etc. But we do not need to live in that state of fear, worry, anxiety or stress. We can abide in a state of peace. It will require some work but it’s something you can attain. Don’t accept living in this place of fear, worry, anxiety and stress. Let me help you walk away from it!

Depression, Negative Confessions, Self-Condemnation?

When we’ve experienced trauma, we tend to draw conclusions about what happened to us and how it was probably our fault. We begin to think negatively about ourselves and speak those confessions over our life. Then from there we begin to walk in self-condemnation and of course shame will pop its ugly head helping you reside in depression. Let me show you how to walk away from that depression and move you into a place where you see yourself as a valuable human being loved by a Father in Heaven.

Emotional Imbalances?

Stored negative emotions in childhood will become your disease as an adult. Do you know that 85 – 90% of dis-ease is caused by emotional imbalances? Don’t let your imbalances be your dis-ease for the future.  It is a lie that as we get old being sick is what we must live with. What a lie! You can age gracefully and without dis-ease. Let’s get you moving in that direction.

Dis-Ease or Ill-Health?

Do you know that most dis-eases or ill-health can be reversed by making lifestyle changes? If your father had heart dis-ease, does not mean you have to have it. There is no gene for heart disease that gets passed down. What gets passed down is lifestyles. If you learn new ways, you can bring about complete health. Let me show you how.

Or a Life That is Simply Being Trodden Over?

I grew up being surrounded by narcissists. I had a life that was being trodden over constantly. Once I was able to identify these narcissists and either remove them from my life or learn how to manage a relationship, I no longer deal with this issue. Don’t let others walk all over you, beat you down and cause you to feel bad about who you are. You were created perfect in the eyes of your Heavenly Father. Remember He makes no mistakes. I can help you get off the path others have put you on.

Are you overwhelmed with…?

Fear, Worry, Anxiety, Stress?

Many of us live in fear because of our past trauma that we’ve experienced. We also live in a society where fear is constantly being promoted. It’s how they sell you their wears, get you to take medications, buy insurance, etc. But we do not need to live in that state of fear, worry, anxiety or stress. We can abide in a state of peace. It will require some work but it’s something you can attain. Don’t accept living in this place of fear, worry, anxiety and stress. Let me help you walk away from it!

Depression, Negative Confessions, Self-Condemnation?

When we’ve experienced trauma, we tend to draw conclusions about what happened to us and how it was probably our fault. We begin to think negatively about ourselves and speak those confessions over our life. Then from there we begin to walk in self-condemnation and of course shame will pop its ugly head helping you reside in depression. Let me show you how to walk away from that depression and move you into a place where you see yourself as a valuable human being loved by a Father in Heaven.

Emotional Imbalances?

Stored negative emotions in childhood will become your disease as an adult. Do you know that 85 – 90% of dis-ease is caused by emotional imbalances? Don’t let your imbalances be your dis-ease for the future.  It is a lie that as we get old being sick is what we must live with. What a lie! You can age gracefully and without dis-ease. Let’s get you moving in that direction.

Dis-Ease or Ill-Health?

Do you know that most dis-eases or ill-health can be reversed by making lifestyle changes? If your father had heart dis-ease, does not mean you have to have it. There is no gene for heart disease that gets passed down. What gets passed down is lifestyles. If you learn new ways, you can bring about complete health. Let me show you how.

Or a Life That is Simply Being Trodden Over?

I grew up being surrounded by narcissists. I had a life that was being trodden over constantly. Once I was able to identify these narcissists and either remove them from my life or learn how to manage a relationship, I no longer deal with this issue. Don’t let others walk all over you, beat you down and cause you to feel bad about who you are. You were created perfect in the eyes of your Heavenly Father. Remember He makes no mistakes. I can help you get off the path others have put you on.

Your First Step Towards Your Fresh Start After Trauma!

Sign up below to download your free copy of
Your First Step Towards Your Fresh Start!

Then become part of Regina’s Revivors Group where you will receive love, encouragement, hope, and answers to many life and health issues. So glad you are joining us.


We live in a broken world...

Many of us have been hurt by circumstances or people in some way. Consequently, with unresolved hurt, we carry around open wounds that never seem to heal. Eventually, we move along in life, but we take those wounds and those problems with us, and they continue to rob us of joy and life and can bring on dis-ease and ill-health. Even though we may have been wounded, you do not need to remain there.

How Will I help you?

We live in a broken world...

Many of us have been hurt by circumstances or people in some way. With unresolved hurt, we carry around open wounds that never seem to heal. Eventually, we move along in life, but we take those wounds and those problems with us, and they continue to rob us of joy and life and can bring on dis-ease and ill-health. Even though we may have been wounded, we don’t need to remain there.

How can I help you?

My whole life has prepared me for this work. How Will My Experience Transition You From Stress, Anxiety, and Depression into Peace?

I Love To Help Women By Giving Them Tools to Walk in Freedom!

My heart was traumatized, broken and I thought beyond repair from all the abuse I experienced in my young life. Consequently, I suffered so much of my life from stress, anxiety, and depression. Sadly, it immobilized me in life many times. When I finally got serious about getting unstuck, I began walking in peace, love, joy, and health.

I LOVE PEOPLE and I especially love working with women to give them the tools to walk in that same freedom. Overall, I want you be free from fear, worry, stress, anxiety, and depression.

Will it be easy? Yes and no. The steps are easy but pushing through can be hard. Working with someone as you take this journey is what can make this process smoother.

Helping You Know the Love of Your Heavenly Father!

When you reside in the fullness of knowing you are loved by your Heavenly Father, you will begin walking  in peace, joy and health in your life! 

If your wounding is deep and seems to be beyond repair, knowing your “Daddy” will bring you healing.  Because of past hurt, abuse, rejection, neglect and trauma, hearts are aching to be loved and protected.  You long to feel whole.  On the outside you can feel “put together” but on the inside you are failing apart.  Sadly, we take our past traumas and carry them along with us in our life’s journey.

Let me share my journey to the love of my Heavenly Father to guide you home to a safe place in His loving arms.

Can I Have Your Heart… Daddy?