Quilting with a Purpose!

The Essence of a Woman is to Create!

Do you have that desire inside you to create? Whether it’s business or a craft, I believe…

Women were designed to create!

I have always desired to create. I say “desired” because that was my heart but the pain from my trauma paralyzed me.  My mother taught me to sew when I was in High School and bless her heart for her patience because STUPID was written all over me.  I struggled to move forward when something was hard, or I made a mistake and had to take it apart. Actually, there were many times she took it apart and fixed it for me.

For many years I tried to be healed by doing it the world’s way going and going to therapy. As much as that was good it wasn’t complete. It wasn’t until I allowed the Lord in my life to bring me to complete healing in various issues in my life, did I begin to have freedom.

In 2021, I started to quilt. I took a class for about 9 months and made a few quilts. Then I ventured on my own. I made some detailed quilts that took hours and hours to create (like cut 640 2.5-inch squares). But I had developed patience from all my prior healing and persevered to the end. Today I’ve made 27 quilts as well as other little projects.

Some of my creations have been gifts; some I’ve given away just because and some I want to offer for sale. I hope you find something that moves you. Know they are made with the utmost of love and attention.

Quilts are priced based on the intensity of the work in creating it as well as the size of the quilt.

Available Quilts

Polka Dots on Parade Quilt

Perfect Lap Size quilt

Color, brightness, and celebration was the purpose of this quilt.  It was a new year, and I felt the celebration of a new life coming … like being in a parade and bringing joy to others.  That is the purpose of this quilt – to bring joy to someone!


Size: 53 x 60

Quilted with Dragon Fly design

100% Cotton Fabric and Batting

Priced at: $850

Free Shipping

Click on each picture for a larger image.

Tea Party Quilt

Perfect Lap Size quilt

Comfort, warmth and life were the purpose of this quilt.  Grabbing a cup of your favorite tea, along with a book and wrapping yourself in the warmth and beauty of this creation, will give you rest-filled moments.  The flowered pattern is to show God’s beauty in His creation!


Size: 57.5 x 60

Quilted with Swirled design

100% Cotton Fabric and Batting

Priced at: $500

Free Shipping

Click on each picture for a larger image.

Little Ducklings Showcase Quilt

Perfect Baby Size quilt

Can a child be more precious to showcase in this Little Ducklings Quilt? Wrap your baby in this quilt as you comfort, love them or read to them.  Let them feel the warmth of your heart and love as they are comforted in your arms.


Size: 41 x 45

Quilted with Hearts design

100% Cotton Fabric and Batting

Priced at: $350

Free Shipping

Click on each picture for a larger image.

Polka Dots on Parade Quilt

Perfect Lap Size quilt

Color, brightness, and celebration was the purpose of this quilt.  I was a new year, and I felt the celebration of a new life coming … like being in a parade and bringing joy to others.  That is the purpose of this quilt – to bring joy to someone!


Size: 53 x 60

Quilted with Dragon Fly design

100% Cotton Fabric and Batting

Priced at: $850

Free Shipping

Click on each picture for a larger image.

Tea Garden Quilt

Perfect Lap Size quilt

Comfort, warmth and life were the purpose of this quilt.  Grabbing a cup of your favorite tea, along with a book and wrapping yourself in the warmth and beauty of this creation, will give you rest-filled moments.  The flowered pattern is to show God’s beauty in His creation!


Size: 57.5 x 60

Quilted with Swirled design

100% Cotton Fabric and Batting

Priced at: $500

Free Shipping

Click on each picture for a larger image.

Little Ducklings Showcase Quilt

Perfect Baby Size quilt

Can a child be more precious to showcase in this Little Ducklings Quilt? Wrap your baby in this quilt as you comfort, love them or read to them.  Let them feel the warmth of your heart and love as they are comforted in your arms.


Size: 41 x 45

Quilted with Hearts design

100% Cotton Fabric and Batting

Priced at: $350

Free Shipping

Click on each picture for a larger image.