Let's Get Organized!

Then perhaps Virtual Organizing is for you!


Virtual Organizing is an organizing service that is provided for you via technology such as Zoom.

You get the benefit of my expertise and knowledge, but you do the physical work yourself or with the help of family or friends.



Then Virtual Organizing is for you!


  1. Initial 30 minute call – no charge to determine if Virtual Organizing is right for you
  2. We work together via Zoom. Sessions are 30 – 50 minutes long.
  3. Schedule calls based on Virtual Organizing Package chosen.


Initial Call – discuss your goal(s), what stops you from reaching this goal and determine if Virtual Organizing is for you.

One-Time Assessment one call for 60 minutes with full report given

Getting Started2 calls per month 30 – 50 minutes long

Keeping You Moving4 calls per month 30 – 50 minutes long

NOTE:  Additional calls can be purchased outside the packaged times

  1. During the first call we will confirm your goal(s), discuss what holds you back and come up with a strategy tailored specifically for you.
  2. In each call, we will discuss what were your successes from our prior session, what were your pitfalls, what will be your next steps and assignments to be completed for the next session.
  3. In between our Sessions you will receive email support to move you along in your organizing project.
  4. Once you reach your goal, you will receive a special Thank You Gift congratulating you on your success!

My guidance will give you the ability to:

Why Am I The One to Help You?

So, what do you think? Is Virtual Organizing for you? You won’t know until you pick up the phone and call or complete the Contact Me Form by clicking this link: 

Yes, I Want to Hear More About Virtual Organizing!

Looking forward to helping you reach your Organizing Goal.  I’ll believe in you!

Your First Step Towards Your Fresh Start After Trauma!

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