The Perfect Promise!

There is a perfect promise that Father God wants us to take a hold of so we can have victory in our adversarial situations.  Take a listen to this Podcast and hear how I took hold of this promise and applied it in a few adversarial issues in my life and had complete success.  The […]

Do You Have Faith To Receive?

Our Heavenly Father has so many promises for us and sadly we struggle with receiving them.  When we are going through a divorce, have been abandoned or walk in total rejection, it can be hard to receive the Father’s promises.  But the Father does not want us walking in defeat.  God does not want us […]

Are You Forsaken or Redeemed?

As we continue my teaching on Isaiah 54 and its beautiful promises, I believe this Podcast will bless your heart, bring encouragement and give you the strength to keep moving forward.  Divorce is hard and so many times we feel we aren’t going to make it.  That’s a lie.  You can, my friend, make it […]

What Are You Doing With God’s Promises?

When we are in difficult circumstances, we tend to focus on all the horrible things that are happening to us which only gives more power to those negative circumstances.  Take a listen to this PODCAST to learn what to do when life has not handed you the cards you wish you had and how you […]

Are You Resting In His Hands?

When we are in the midst of a divorce or about to enter into a divorce, it can feel that there are storms raging all around us.  We wonder how we will “weather” the storm.  Well there is a way and I want to guide you to that place.  Take a listen to this Podcast […]

What is Your Emotion of Choice?

Most of us have emotions that rule and reign in our life and it could be an emotion that is not healthy.  What emotion rises in you when the circumstances around you can be trying and difficult?  Is it worry, fear, stress, anxiety, or unforgiveness to name a few?  These are very unhealthy emotions and […]

The Danger of Habits!

“Habit is a vain and treacherous goddess. She lets nothing disrupt her rule.  Habit smothers one desire after another: the desire to travel, the desire for a better job or a new love.  She stops us from living as we would like, because habit prevents us from asking ourselves whether we continue to enjoy doing […]