Organizing for Christmas!

It is really hard to believe that Thanksgiving was just 4 days ago, and Christmas is a little over 3 weeks away AND I’m not ready … at least with my shopping.  I have purchased a few gifts so far but have still a whole lot more to go.  I usually know my menu, but […]

What is the “Stuff in Your Home Doing for You?

There are so many reasons why we gather and keep “stuff” in our lives.  It can be for valid reasons such as you need and use these items and that’s totally fine.  Or it can serve another purpose that may not serve you well. I’m talking today to those who have “stuff” and their “stuff” […]

We All Need to Apply Self-Care!

When I work with clients, I highly recommend that they take time for “self-care.”  I may meet with a client who said they didn’t do any of my homework and actually the day they thought they would do it, they rested instead.  There is this sense of guilt in admitting it to me.  My response […]

Is “Sparking Joy” the Right Question to Ask When De-Cluttering?

When Marie Kondo published her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I was asked by many of my clients what my thoughts were on this book.  Then when she released her Netflix series many more were intrigued with this new process and questioned whether it had increased my business. I cannot say her writings […]

You Have the Greatest Power Given to Man!

Do you know that you have the greatest power given to man and that is the power of choice! Sometimes there are circumstances in our lives that cause us to believe we do not have a choice.  We have to accept the circumstance and situation as it is and we have no power to change.  […]