The Importance of Prayer!

Is prayer part of your life or do you try to do life on your own?  I know for me I struggled for years with praying because I felt that no one took care of me when it was important, so I better take care of myself.  Yes, I threw a prayer out here or […]

Could You Benefit From Having a New Relationship?

Could you benefit from having a new relationship?  But not just any relationship … the ultimate relationship! Have you ever found yourself in the cycle of “why?”  You ruminate over your why questions only to feel like you are like a hamster on a spinning wheel.  “Where are you, Lord?  Why does this keep happening […]

IHOP: Is Your Church a Safe Place?

The church is to be a safe place.  It is to be a place where love, encouragement, fellowship, spiritual growth and healing is supposed to occur yet in many churches there is abuse at all levels.  What has been released about IHOP (The International House of Prayer) is completely disturbing and I pray these women […]

What Storms are Raging in Your Life?

Do you know that even though the storms of your life are raging and the winds that are blowing seem fierce, there is no element strong enough to release you from the Hand of the Father?  His Hand of protection, provision and promise is the place to be! Listen to this Podcast to understand what […]

Don’t Put Security in Knowledge!

Are you one that studies, researches and digs to find answers to your problems, solutions for your health or programs that will help you or your children?  To then feel like you are swirling in a time funnel and don’t know where to begin let alone find a way out. We live in an Age […]

Don’t Let Depression Win!

Don’t let depression win in your life!  Probably one of the most common denominators amongst women who have gone through or are going through trauma is depression.  Whether it’s a divorce you are dealing with, abandonment issues or abuse, there is hope.  When we feel helpless, it pushes us into a state of hopelessness and […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does It Hold For You?

It’s a New Year!  Are you excited?  I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does it Hold For You?

I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have a “fresh start.”  But what I’ve learned […]

I Escaped to My Mind.  Where Do You Escape To?

I escaped to my mind.  Where do you escape to?  My mind was my safe haven as I was growing up enduring different abuses.  It was not the best place to be but it was the safest for me at the time.  How about you?  Where do you escape to?  What or where are the […]

Why Is God Not Answering?

Have you had those times in your life when God seems silent?  Your praying, petitioning and sometimes begging but no answer.  When I had those times in the past, I thought God didn’t care or was mad at me and I lived with the lie for many years.  You might think it’s not a lie […]