Is Canola Oil Safe?

I just want to send a quick message to you regarding a topic that comes up a lot for me with people in my coaching circle.  Many people use Canola Oil and have a belief it’s ok.  I try to explain to them that it’s not necessarily the plant that the oil comes from that […]

Are You Overwhelmed With Diets?

Last week I briefly mentioned the “low fat” issue regarding our food and how we have been sold “a bill of goods” in that arena.  That “bill of goods” is that fat is causing us to be “fat.”  Well finally that belief is being debunked as it’s not fat that’s causing us to get “fat” […]

What Goes in Our Food Should Not Be Taken Lightly!

So many times, I want to shout from the roof top warning people about the foods they eat.  I cannot stress it enough that what the food industry has done to our food supply is literally killing us.  Yes, literally killing us.  Is it a slow death?  Yes, but for some it can happen faster. […]

First Thing to Do With Your Ill-Health!

From a health coaching perspective for my clients that are dealing with ill-health, the first thing I would recommend with them is to look at what they are eating.  What do they have in their pantry that could be contributing to their ill-health.  So many people that I talk to are unaware of how the […]

The Importance of Bananas and a Fun Recipe!

I LOVE bananas but they must be at a certain ripeness or else I don’t like them.  For me they must be just turning yellow.  They can even have a slight green on the skin.  That’s the perfect banana for me.  Once they really start to ripen, I don’t like them.  I think because they […]

Leftover Turkey Recipes!

I hope this message finds you well and that you had a beautiful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Does having leftover turkey recipes lighten your load on what to do with all your turkey?  Not sure about you but I definitely have leftovers from my Thanksgiving meal.  Today I made my pot of Turkey soup, […]

Can We Trust Organic Companies?

We definitely live in a time where it can seem so confusing as to what is safe and healthy to eat, put on our body or clean our homes with.  There is such an agenda out there to deceive us into believing chemicals are good for us.  That agenda is for their purpose and their […]

Is Aspartame Safe for You?

I know I’ve spoken on Aspartame before but felt it was worth writing about it again.  It grieves me to see people taking in this chemical as the long-term side effects can be detrimental to one’s health.  This image created by Raw For Beauty lays it out nicely Getting Back to Basics! I believe it’s […]

Rosemary Essential Oil for Brain Power!

This next Essential Oil for Balancing emotion is one you probably never thought would be categized in this way.  It is Rosemary Essential Oil.  Most people think of Rosemary when it comes to cooking but many cultures use it for its internal benefits and energizing scent. It’s used for more than you think! Occasionally, when […]

Healthy Brownie Recipe!

I was thinking of you today and thought I’d send along a fun recipe.  Now please don’t get turned off from the ingredients.  I PROMISE you these brownies are delicious, and you will not taste the beans.  This recipe is great if you are gluten free but even if you are not, you will truly […]