You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!

If you are feeling lost, abandoned, hurt, betrayed or unloved, take a few minutes to listen to this Podcast.  This message was a difficult one for me to give but I felt it was something the Lord placed on my heart to share so I was obedient. Podcast Link I’d Rather Read Your Message! Hello […]

Can This Ingredient Wreak Havoc to Your Brain?

Sometimes we just focus on very serious health issues with our bodies.  But there are minor things happening to us that need to be addressed, given attention and changed.  Take a listen to this Podcast as I address an ingredient, yes, an ingredient that could be wreaking havoc to your mind or brain.  And it’s […]

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

For almost 10 years, I worked helping women remove the clutter from their home or office.  It was so rewarding to see a room being transformed to a place of peace and joy.  Many times, clients would call me at the end of the day to tell me how wonderful it felt to sit in […]

Are You Overwhelmed With Diets?

Last week I briefly mentioned the “low fat” issue regarding our food and how we have been sold “a bill of goods” in that arena.  That “bill of goods” is that fat is causing us to be “fat.”  Well finally that belief is being debunked as it’s not fat that’s causing us to get “fat” […]

Helpful Resources for Your Health and Well-Being!

One of my passions is to help you live a full and healthy life.  As a trained and certified Health Coach my world is full of learning about healthful ways of living, getting to the root of health issues and transforming lifestyles to obtain health and well-being. I obtain training from a wealth of Doctors […]

What Goes in Our Food Should Not Be Taken Lightly!

So many times, I want to shout from the roof top warning people about the foods they eat.  I cannot stress it enough that what the food industry has done to our food supply is literally killing us.  Yes, literally killing us.  Is it a slow death?  Yes, but for some it can happen faster. […]

First Thing to Do With Your Ill-Health!

From a health coaching perspective for my clients that are dealing with ill-health, the first thing I would recommend with them is to look at what they are eating.  What do they have in their pantry that could be contributing to their ill-health.  So many people that I talk to are unaware of how the […]

What Has You Paralyzed in Life?

In life when we have issues to overcome, there is nothing better than hearing other people’s stories.  It can be refreshing to know someone else has been through what you are going through and came out the other end in victory. But it is also good to hear stories from those that didn’t bid well […]

Do You Have This Chemical In Your Body?

Do you have chlormequat in your body?  You just might especially if you eat Quaker Oats or Cheerios. Your well-being is not just isolated to one specific area of your life.  It encompasses all aspects of your life.  From your career, your relationships, your spiritual life and your diet … to name a few.  When […]

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

As a Spiritual Life and Health Coach, I often hear from people how hard it is for them to make decisions.  So many times, in life, they become paralyzed in moving forward with even the simplest decision. I call this “decision fatigue.” What is decision fatigue? I believe it’s when you struggle with trying to […]