Why Do We Need Hobbies?

What are the things you do in your life to relieve some stress, have some fun and support your brain?  Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of having a hobby.  If you don’t have one or have one and haven’t been enjoying it, perhaps this message is for you.  I’m glad […]

Can We Have Healthy Anger?

Have you ever gotten so angry and were then made to feel you were doing something wrong?  Or have you been pummeled to stop your anger and let it go?  Then take a listen to this Podcast and find out what suppressing that anger can do to you. Here is the Link to this Podcast! […]

You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!

If you are feeling lost, abandoned, hurt, betrayed or unloved, take a few minutes to listen to this Podcast.  This message was a difficult one for me to give but I felt it was something the Lord placed on my heart to share so I was obedient. Podcast Link I’d Rather Read Your Message! Hello […]

Let’s Reframe Your Thinking by Moving from Self to Service!

One of the things that can be hard to overcome when we’ve experienced trauma is getting out of “self.”  When you’ve been traumatized and no one came to your rescue, you can become so self-focused that life becomes “all about me.”  I understand because I needed to learn to comfort myself and take care of […]

Dream Not Doubts to Reframe Your Thinking!

Can you have “Dreams not Doubts” to begin to reframe your thinking? Today I am going to talk about Tip #2 of 8 Tips to Reframe Your Thinking or Mind.  What can you do to reframe your thinking from doubt?  Take a listen to this Podcast and grab a hold of Tip #2 on Reframing […]

Peek Into My Coaching Program for a Free Lesson!

I have something special for you I recently went through my 12 Week Transform Your Trauma into Peace Coaching Program and updated it with some nice changes.  This revised Program is ready for release.  As a gift I want to share the First Week’s Lesson with you. Sometimes the word “trauma” intimidates people for a […]

Don’t Let the Medical Industry Make You a Customer!

Do you ever sit back and wonder why our society has sicker and sicker people?  I do.  It is so on my mind and in my heart that sometimes I battle with having to shut my mouth and not give someone advice on what they are sharing with me.  They have fallen into the plan […]

What Has You Stuck or Paralyzed?

I love reading the stories in the Bible of what the Israelites went through to get from bondage to freedom.  There is so much we can learn from their experiences.  One of their major experiences that I glean much from is the time the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and how God delivered them.  […]

Have You Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder?

Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder?  Then this Documentary is worth a listen.  I was preparing another message to send today but when I listened to this Documentary this morning, I felt I needed to share it. There was so much information reported here that I believe we all need to take a […]

Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet. I […]