“Non-Clutter” Gift Giving Ideas for Christmas!

With Christmas being only 13 days away, we can be in a frenzy to buy those last minutes gift only to feel overwhelmed, confused and at our wits end.  Helping you to be in peace is always my goal, so I decided again to put on my organizing hat. In my days of working with […]

Organizing for Christmas!

It is hard to believe we just celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas is just 20 days away AND I’m not ready … at least with my shopping.  I have purchased a few gifts so far but have still a whole lot more to go.  Having my Christmas Eve menu is important, but I have not fully […]

You, My Friend, Are Created to Shine!

Yes, this is the truth.  You are created to shine!  Your destiny is written on your heart! Do you believe that? I had struggled with “shining” for a very long time because of the pain from the trauma I had experienced in my life.  But one day it finally hit me that yes, I am […]

Step into Peace and Joy!

Many times, in life, things feel wrong, yucky, out of sorts and not where you want to be living. You don’t know why It’s unclear how you got there, and Getting out of this state of being seems impossible Basically, you know how you feel, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings. […]