God Knew What He Was Doing When He Created the Earth!

There is no explanation needed here.  Just basic common-sense eating.  God knew what He was doing when He spoke the Universe into existence.  Every detail of everything He created was well designed and for a purpose. Don’t let people tell you eating too much fruit is not good for you.  Fruit is better than juice.  […]

The Truth About Frozen Yogurt … and Ice Cream.

Let’s talk about frozen yogurt and even ice cream for that matter.  I’m so disappointed in these foods as they are a favorite to eat during the summer months.  But I’ve changed my tune recently and avoid eating these products. I remember years ago when we lived in our other home, close by was a […]

I Liked Lawrence Welk … Not Alice Cooper!

When we have experienced major trauma in our life especially as a child, we can lose our identity or the person we were created to be.  We will make decisions based on who we “think” we should be and not who are were “created” to be.  It’s so easy for us to “lose ourselves.” We […]

It’s Time to Think About School (and work) Lunches!

As summer is winding down and many of you are preparing for your children to get back to school, I thought this information would be helpful for you to pack “healthy” lunches and snacks for your children. BTW, these ideas can apply to you if you pack your own work lunch!!! I highly recommend you […]

What Has You Stuck or Paralyzed?

I love reading the stories in the Bible of what the Israelites went through to get from bondage to freedom.  There is so much we can learn from their experiences.  One of their major experiences that I glean much from is the time the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and how God delivered them.  […]

Do the Products in Your Home “Stink?”

One of my heart’s passions is to teach people about the toxins in the products they purchase.  I do this in a few ways. My 12 Week Coaching Program has a week on gut health.  We discuss the importance of what you put in your body as well as on your body and their effects […]

Have You Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder?

Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder?  Then this Documentary is worth a listen.  I was preparing another message to send today but when I listened to this Documentary this morning, I felt I needed to share it. There was so much information reported here that I believe we all need to take a […]

Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet. I […]

Is Canola Oil Safe?

I just want to send a quick message to you regarding a topic that comes up a lot for me with people in my coaching circle.  Many people use Canola Oil and have a belief it’s ok.  I try to explain to them that it’s not necessarily the plant that the oil comes from that […]

Why Won’t the Weight Go?

Why Won’t the Weight Go?  Do you ask yourself this question? A few weeks ago, I did a Blog post on the insanity of the diet industry.  If you haven’t read it, click this link to go there Different Dietary Theories .  I stated at the time of my writing there were at least 114 […]