Clutter can be found in many places:

  • Individual rooms of our home
  • Garages
  • Attics
  • Basements
  • Closets
  • Cabinets
  • File Cabinets
  • Refrigerators
  • Photo Boxes
  • Yards
  • Sheds
  • Automobiles
  • Pocketbooks
  • School lockers
  • Toy boxes

Yikes that list can make you feel overwhelmed for sure.  But one area I didn’t put on the list was your mind.  Your mind can be so full of clutter that you cannot tend to much in your life.   A cluttered mind makes it hard to process things throughout the day … whether at work or at home.  It shuts down your creativity and increases your ability to procrastinate … hence not getting much done.

What are some of the causes of a cluttered mind?  Well, let’s go into the different rooms in your mind, identify the clutter so you can begin a de-cluttering process.

  • People – are there people in your life that seem to pull you down. That when you are together or when you talk to each other, you walk away feeling drained.  Perhaps you should consider removing yourself from these relationships and build friendships with like-minded friends that uplift you and you up lift them.  Consider even deleting these contacts off your Smart Phones.
  • Cable TV – do you have a massive package with your cable company with so many channels that you never even watch? All it encourages you to do is sit on the sofa and click the remote going from one channel to another never finding a program that suits your desires.  Consider changing your Cable Package or even better yet, consider canceling.  I canceled my Cable TV about 17 months ago and don’t regret it for one minute.  I do have ROKU and subscribed to SLING.  But even SLING has more channels that I watch … but not as much as cable.
  • Saved Emails – are your email files full of emails saved that you have not even accessed in months and some even years. Consider doing a dump of those emails to clear your email program.  When we see so many files, it can seem overwhelming to our mind and can make it harder to feel focused in your workday.
  • Emails – consider unsubscribing to emails that you receive but never really read. Sometimes we subscribe to emails because of a “free” offer but then realize it’s not really something we are interested in continuing to receive.  Don’t clutter your inbox daily with junk!
  • Worry and Fear – living in worry and fear is probably one of the worse ways to live. It can paralyze you and cause you to not think clearly and make logical decisions.  Is it easy to stop?  Not necessarily.  But if your life is consumed with fear and worry, you might want to consider getting some outside guidance on how you can remove this from your life.  It is truly possible.
  • Stress – living a life full of stress can truly clutter your mind. It causes almost like a “brain fog” and your thoughts become muddied and confused.  Learning to breath … really breathe deeply can be a way to calm you down.  But sometimes stress is so prominent in our life that it’s almost our friend.  Seek support to help you eliminate this from your life … or at least learn how to manage it.
  • Negative thinking – this can become such a bad habit and at times hard to stop. If we have had some trauma in our life with negative things happening to us, it can be hard to move away from this and alter your thinking to look at the good in life.  But negative thinking only brings your down emotionally and spiritually.
  • All Work – many people have a life of “all work and no play.” That is truly an unhealthy way to live.  We must have balance in our life with time to play and enjoy the fun life has to offer.
  • Lack of Sleep – it is so important to get a full night of un-interrupted night of sleep. Our body/mind gets restored as we sleep.  Our cells replenish and our body detoxes.  When we don’t get the right amount of sleep … especially night after night, we don’t give our bodies a chance to heal.  This is one of the most important areas to focus on.
  • Low Fat Diets – understand that we need fat … healthy fat. Our brain needs fat to keep it healthy and whole.  With that being said, you need to watch what kind of fats you are taking in.  Trans fats and saturated fats should be eliminated or eaten at a minimum.
  • Neurotoxins and Metal Toxins – this is an important area. So many of our body care products are full of chemicals and can act as neurotoxins.  Many chemicals can get past the blood brain barrier and affect our brains.  Really take a conscience effort to look over your body care products and look at the chemicals they contain.  It’s critical to change any that are full of chemicals.

So, consider putting on your calendar time to go through this list and make an effort to remove those items that perhaps are causing mind clutter and affecting your thinking, clarity and motivation.

If you feel stuck and not sure how to begin tackling this area, take advantage of my Free 30-Minute Consult!  I’m here to help you … propel you … and bring you to abundant living!

Your Health, Wellness and Organizing Expert … Believing in You!

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!