Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet. I […]

Why Won’t the Weight Go?

Why Won’t the Weight Go?  Do you ask yourself this question? A few weeks ago, I did a Blog post on the insanity of the diet industry.  If you haven’t read it, click this link to go there Different Dietary Theories .  I stated at the time of my writing there were at least 114 […]

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

For almost 10 years, I worked helping women remove the clutter from their home or office.  It was so rewarding to see a room being transformed to a place of peace and joy.  Many times, clients would call me at the end of the day to tell me how wonderful it felt to sit in […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does It Hold For You?

It’s a New Year!  Are you excited?  I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does it Hold For You?

I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have a “fresh start.”  But what I’ve learned […]

How Do I Live in Peace?

One of the most asked questions is … “How do I live in peace?”  The world around us seems to be falling apart.  Our economy is a mess, groceries are so expense.  Gas is out of control.  It seems that we are being prepared for yet another round of fear being released for a virus […]

What is Causing Your Fatigue?

I don’t know about you but more and more people I speak to tell me they are so fatigued.  It makes you stop and pause to wonder why there is so many people dealing with being so tired all the time. I Had Seasons of Fatigue There was a season of my life that I […]

Are You Managing Your Stress Well?

Living in a state of continual stress is so dangerous to our overall health and so many of us are living in that “fight or flight” mode.  Our sympathetic system can be at an all-time high and we never allow our bodies to get into a balanced state and into our parasympathetic system. Living in […]

Aromas Can Trigger a Brain Response!

Do you know aromas can trigger a brain response?  Being that they do, you want to be sure the aromas you are inhaling are safe.  That’s why it’s critical you know where your essential oils are coming from. Are you able to see the GCMS reports on each oil from the company you are using? […]

Let’s Balance Your Emotions with Siberian Fir!

This is the last Essential Oil for Balancing Emotions.  My next series will be on helping you stay focused.  Today I’m presenting to you Siberian Fir Essential Oil.  Siberian Fir will provide you with a tranquil, positive feeling and can enhance a soothing massage. Why I Love Siberian Fir I love, love, love this oil […]