Will These Food Labels Surprise You?

Bear with me as I write again about the necessity of being vigilant about reading labels and the foods you eat.  I’m not sure if food manufacturers are getting worse in what they are producing, or we are just being more aware. I’m pretty much an organic eater and thought (at one time) that if something was […]

Organizing for Christmas!

It is hard to believe we just celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas is just 20 days away AND I’m not ready … at least with my shopping.  I have purchased a few gifts so far but have still a whole lot more to go.  Having my Christmas Eve menu is important, but I have not fully […]

You, My Friend, Are Created to Shine!

Yes, this is the truth.  You are created to shine!  Your destiny is written on your heart! Do you believe that? I had struggled with “shining” for a very long time because of the pain from the trauma I had experienced in my life.  But one day it finally hit me that yes, I am […]

Step into Peace and Joy!

Many times, in life, things feel wrong, yucky, out of sorts and not where you want to be living. You don’t know why It’s unclear how you got there, and Getting out of this state of being seems impossible Basically, you know how you feel, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings. […]

Will Working With a Coach Propel Me to My Goal?

Many people think that coaches are a new profession.  Throughout all our lives we’ve had coaches helping us without really realizing it.  When you had a good teacher that guided you towards a goal, that was a coach.  Or a friend who’s “been there done that” and now are helping you get there, is working […]

Why Would I Want to Work with a Health Coach?

As we navigate life and transition throughout the different seasons we go through, sometimes they can be hard, confusing, or tumultuous.  Many years ago, when I was going through a very difficult divorce, having a Coach come along side me might have made it more tolerable.  There were times I wished I had an Attorney, […]

Circle of Life … Joy!

Last week we talked about home cooking and that it can be simple to take control of what you are eating.  I hope you incorporated more home cooking into your family meals this past week even if it was just a few.  I also hope you involved the family in this event and made it […]

Circle of Life … your relationships!

I hope you were able to download the Circle of Life and determine where you are on each spoke of the Wheel. This week I want to discuss the area of relationships and the importance of them.  Having healthy, supportive, and loving relationships is so important to our health and well-being.  I remember years ago […]

Circle of Life … what are your results?

When I am working with a Health Coaching client, we begin by looking at Primary Foods not just Secondary Foods (foods you eat).  What are Primary Foods?  It’s your relationships, your physical activity, your career and your spirituality.  If anyone of those areas is out of whack, trying to encourage you to eat more broccoli […]

Untreated Stress!

What is the definition of stress?  Stress is basically how our body responds to change.  This change can be good or can be difficult. Sometimes I feel my level of stress rise up when I’m getting ready to travel and go on a vacation.  As I am organizing, packing and preparing for my trip, there […]