100 Uses for Essential Oils PDF!

Using Essential Oils, I believe, is a great way to support health and healing for your body.  I’ve received inquiries about understanding Essential Oils on a greater level.  Soon I will be creating some Webinars on Essential Oils but until they are completed, I’m providing you with some helpful information. Essential Oils is a great […]

Will These Food Labels Surprise You?

Bear with me as I write again about the necessity of being vigilant about reading labels and the foods you eat.  I’m not sure if food manufacturers are getting worse in what they are producing, or we are just being more aware. I’m pretty much an organic eater and thought (at one time) that if something was […]

You Are Enough! Do You Believe That?

Do you believe you are loved by the Father in Heaven and that He adores you?  Knowing you are the apple of His eye should be uplifting.  Do you believe you are enough?  I didn’t and years ago if you told me that I would get angry?  I was angry until the Father captured my […]

We Must Be Vigilant In Understanding Our Food!

I hope this Blog Post finds you well and that you had a splendid weekend.  My weekend was quiet, I was able to finish off the top of a new quilt and get started on another one. Quilting has become a great passion of mine and I’m loving what it emotionally has done for me.  Soon […]

Let’s Start 2023 on the Right Path!

I know many people look at the turning of a new year to take the opportunity to try a new “diet.”  I’m not an advocate of diets but more on eating balanced, whole, real foods.  When you take away “processed foods” or foods full of additives, preservatives and colorings, you will find a change in […]

A Follow-Up & Newly Added Fear P@rn to the List!

I am not sure if you had the opportunity to read my prior email on “What Do You Consider Fear P@rn?” and if you haven’t, the summary of it is below.  But after I sent the email, I realized I didn’t update with the latest fear that has been released … the Respiratory Syncytial Virus […]

Sometimes the Next Step is Working with a Coach!

This Quote below is a wonderful way to begin this writing.  It’s by Joshua Rosenthal, from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (where I obtained my Coaching Certification). “Working with a Coach is not about acquiring more self-discipline or will power. It’s about personally discovering what nourishes you, what feeds you and ultimately what makes your […]

How The Food Industry Deceives Us!

I don’t think anyone would argue with me that these past 2 ½ years have been on some level hard for everyone.  Now with the CDC changing where they stand with the C-Virus, it is so disturbing. Naturopathic Doctors were shouting from the roof tops and were silenced.  Sadly, what they were warning us about […]

Giving You a Fresh Start … with your mind!

For years we have believed that once our brain is damaged, we will have to live with that damaged brain for the rest of our lives.  But that is not true.  Have you heard of neuroplasticity? According to the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI), “neuroplasticity can be viewed as a general umbrella term that […]

A Useful Tool to Bring You Success!

Have you been considering making some lifestyle changes to your health and well-being?  Making those changes in one’s life can initially be very exciting.  You’ve made the decision to make changes and you are looking forward to getting to your desired goal(s).  Then it hits you like a brick wall. You get stuck … you […]