What is Causing Your Fatigue?

I don’t know about you but more and more people I speak to tell me they are so fatigued.  It makes you stop and pause to wonder why there is so many people dealing with being so tired all the time. I Had Seasons of Fatigue There was a season of my life that I […]

Deep Breathing to Release Anxiety!

There are a number of things you can do to release anxiety in your body and depending on the level of anxiety and how long it’s lived in your body will depend on how quickly you can purge it from your body.  Living with high levels of anxiety and stress is not healthy for you […]

Are You Managing Your Stress Well?

Living in a state of continual stress is so dangerous to our overall health and so many of us are living in that “fight or flight” mode.  Our sympathetic system can be at an all-time high and we never allow our bodies to get into a balanced state and into our parasympathetic system. Living in […]

Essential Oils for Emotional Support … in summary!

As I continue my series regarding the use of Essential Oils for Emotional Support, I decided to give you the complete list for ease as opposed to sending them one by one.  I have included the prior ones I sent to you on using Essential Oils for Balance.  The next segment was going to be […]

Let’s Balance Your Emotions with Siberian Fir!

This is the last Essential Oil for Balancing Emotions.  My next series will be on helping you stay focused.  Today I’m presenting to you Siberian Fir Essential Oil.  Siberian Fir will provide you with a tranquil, positive feeling and can enhance a soothing massage. Why I Love Siberian Fir I love, love, love this oil […]

Serenity Essential Oil Gives You Balance!

I have only a few more oils to present for Balancing emotions.  Then we will move into Essential Oils that help you “Focus.”  However, what I have today to discuss is Serenity Essential Oil.  Serenity will create a beautiful, restful environment at bedtime. Great to Diffuse I diffuse this oil every other night.  One night […]

Rosemary Essential Oil for Brain Power!

This next Essential Oil for Balancing emotion is one you probably never thought would be categized in this way.  It is Rosemary Essential Oil.  Most people think of Rosemary when it comes to cooking but many cultures use it for its internal benefits and energizing scent. It’s used for more than you think! Occasionally, when […]

Bring Balance to Your Life with Patchouli Essential Oil!

Patchouli is our next Essential Oil for Balancing emotions.  It also helps to promote a smooth, glowing complexion when you apply it to your skin.  Patchouli can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and skin imperfections when applied topically. Patchouli reminds me of this Candy This fragrance reminds me of a candy when […]

Myrrh Essential Oil is More Than a Perfume!

Myrrh Essential Oil is special to me and I love it for Balancing emotions, but I also enjoy it as a perfume.  Myrrh is also a wonderful Essential Oil for giving you a “smooth” complexion and promoting good oral health. It’s a very thick Essential Oil and when not used for a while it can […]

Melissa Essential Oil Is More Than You Think!

Melissa Essential Oil is our next oil for Balancing your emotions.  It is a very powerful oil for calming your tension, but it also is great for virus issues. One thing I’ve dwelt with since I was a child is cold sores.  I believe I got it from my mom because she suffered from them […]