What Has You Stuck or Paralyzed?

I love reading the stories in the Bible of what the Israelites went through to get from bondage to freedom.  There is so much we can learn from their experiences.  One of their major experiences that I glean much from is the time the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and how God delivered them.  […]

Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet. I […]

Is It Really Mental Illness or Just Anger?

Is It Really Mental Illness or Just Anger?  Why does it seem that the issue of mental illness is out of control.  Are people at times being diagnosed wrongly?  Take a listen to this Podcast to perhaps understand this issue from a different perspective and hear my story about being healed from a level of […]

What Has You Paralyzed in Life?

In life when we have issues to overcome, there is nothing better than hearing other people’s stories.  It can be refreshing to know someone else has been through what you are going through and came out the other end in victory. But it is also good to hear stories from those that didn’t bid well […]

IHOP: Is Your Church a Safe Place?

The church is to be a safe place.  It is to be a place where love, encouragement, fellowship, spiritual growth and healing is supposed to occur yet in many churches there is abuse at all levels.  What has been released about IHOP (The International House of Prayer) is completely disturbing and I pray these women […]

Don’t Let Depression Win!

Don’t let depression win in your life!  Probably one of the most common denominators amongst women who have gone through or are going through trauma is depression.  Whether it’s a divorce you are dealing with, abandonment issues or abuse, there is hope.  When we feel helpless, it pushes us into a state of hopelessness and […]

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life?

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life?  Sadly, I can say that I have for much of my life. When people reach out for Life Coaching issues, there are a few areas that they are looking to make changes in their life.  They perhaps are on overwhelm with fear, worry, anxiety and stress.  Now having […]

Are You Emotionally Prepared for the Holidays?

It’s so hard to believe that Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hannukah are right around the corner.   It will be here before we know it.  I LOVE the Holidays.  I love the cooking, family and friends time, and of course the gift giving. What Holidays Should Be! Holidays are supposed to be joyful times with family […]

Has Life Killed the Dream You Dreamed?

How many of us have had a dream to only have it destroyed or killed by the life around us?  You grew up with something on your heart that you wanted to accomplish, create or conqueror to only have life issues take it all away. I know I have.  I grew up with two dreams.  […]

When Betrayed, Who Do We Trust?

Betrayal is such a difficult thing to overcome because we are usually betrayed by some one we know, love and have trusted.  It breaks our ability to then feel safe in our environment.  We withdraw, make a vow that we will take care of ourselves, to only find that life gets more and more difficult […]