The Importance of Prayer!

Is prayer part of your life or do you try to do life on your own?  I know for me I struggled for years with praying because I felt that no one took care of me when it was important, so I better take care of myself.  Yes, I threw a prayer out here or […]

Are You Without Vision?

Are you without a vision for your life?  Don’t stay in the place of confusion, spiritual blindness or being stagnate.  God does have a plan and a purpose for you, and it doesn’t mean it needs to be something magnificent.  Your calling and purpose could be being a mom, a cashier, a waitress or even […]

Is It Really Depression?

Is it really depression that you are dealing with?  Or are you not in a place that is what you were designed to be or what you are called to do.  Many of us are stuck in a cycle of staying where we are because “frankly it’s paying the bills.”  But when you are not […]

We All Need a Shepherd!

Have you ever read Psalm 23 and realized how we are like sheep and what the shepherd does for his sheep, our Lord does for us. Take a listen to this message to understand the whole concept of shepherds and how they care for their sheep?  Then I will show you how your shepherd is […]

Why Is God Not Answering?

Have you had those times in your life when God seems silent?  Your praying, petitioning and sometimes begging but no answer.  When I had those times in the past, I thought God didn’t care or was mad at me and I lived with the lie for many years.  You might think it’s not a lie […]

What Are You Doing With God’s Promises?

When we are in difficult circumstances, we tend to focus on all the horrible things that are happening to us which only gives more power to those negative circumstances.  Take a listen to this PODCAST to learn what to do when life has not handed you the cards you wish you had and how you […]

Why Giving You a Fresh Start!

What was the reason for the title of my PODCAST Giving You a Fresh Start?  Take a listen to this 7-minute PODCAST to learn the reason for this title and how God always has the perfect reason and the perfect plan for all He instructs us to do. Click here for this PODCAST!

You, My Friend, Are Created to Shine!

Yes, this is the truth.  You are created to shine!  Your destiny is written on your heart! Do you believe that? I had struggled with “shining” for a very long time because of the pain from the trauma I had experienced in my life.  But one day it finally hit me that yes, I am […]

Does God Want Me Well?

This is probably one of the most controversial issues in the Christian community. “Does God Want Me Well” or “Is it God’s will to heal me?” I firmly believe it is. But if you don’t “firmly” believe that it is, it will be harder (not impossible) but harder for you to walk in your healing […]