Have You Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder?

Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder?  Then this Documentary is worth a listen.  I was preparing another message to send today but when I listened to this Documentary this morning, I felt I needed to share it. There was so much information reported here that I believe we all need to take a […]

Start Living By God’s Promises!

What would life be like if you started living by God’s promises?  Would you walk in joy, peace, love and health?  I believe so because that is the Father’s promise. God the creator of the universe and the creator of you personally, knows exactly what you need to live in abundance for your life.  But […]

What Has You Paralyzed in Life?

In life when we have issues to overcome, there is nothing better than hearing other people’s stories.  It can be refreshing to know someone else has been through what you are going through and came out the other end in victory. But it is also good to hear stories from those that didn’t bid well […]

Don’t Let the Medical Industry Make You a Customer?

Have you wondered why there seems to be medical buildings popping up everywhere?  I don’t know about where you live but they are popping up everywhere in my area.  Has their focus become more on “business building” than “healing?”  It makes you wonder especially where BIG PHARMA seems to infiltrate our lives.  I have a […]

Do You Have This Chemical In Your Body?

Do you have chlormequat in your body?  You just might especially if you eat Quaker Oats or Cheerios. Your well-being is not just isolated to one specific area of your life.  It encompasses all aspects of your life.  From your career, your relationships, your spiritual life and your diet … to name a few.  When […]

Are There Toxins in Your Cleaning Products?

As a child, one of the wise things my mom did was give me chores.  There are four girls in my family but only three of us had chores.  My youngest sister was a little too young to take on that responsibility.  So, the household cleaning was divided amongst the three of us.  Every Saturday […]

What Storms are Raging in Your Life?

Do you know that even though the storms of your life are raging and the winds that are blowing seem fierce, there is no element strong enough to release you from the Hand of the Father?  His Hand of protection, provision and promise is the place to be! Listen to this Podcast to understand what […]

Don’t Put Security in Knowledge!

Are you one that studies, researches and digs to find answers to your problems, solutions for your health or programs that will help you or your children?  To then feel like you are swirling in a time funnel and don’t know where to begin let alone find a way out. We live in an Age […]

Don’t Let Depression Win!

Don’t let depression win in your life!  Probably one of the most common denominators amongst women who have gone through or are going through trauma is depression.  Whether it’s a divorce you are dealing with, abandonment issues or abuse, there is hope.  When we feel helpless, it pushes us into a state of hopelessness and […]

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life? 

Have you experienced narcissists in your life? Or do you even understand what a narcissist looks like?  It’s not that hard to identify this personality dysfunction once you know all the character flaws. It is very prevalent in our society.  I can guarantee you have at least one person in your life that has this […]