Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life? 

Have you experienced narcissists in your life? Or do you even understand what a narcissist looks like?  It’s not that hard to identify this personality dysfunction once you know all the character flaws. It is very prevalent in our society.  I can guarantee you have at least one person in your life that has this […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does it Hold For You?

I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have a “fresh start.”  But what I’ve learned […]

How Can You Feel Loved Even During Your Divorce? 

Feeling rejected and abandoned from your marriage partner in your Divorce who you vowed to be with in sickness and health can leave you feeling so unloved.  How can you feel loved even in the midst of your divorce and this battle?  As much as we want “human” love, there is a love that is […]

What Will Your Divorce Crisis Show About You?

There are ebbs and flows in the whole divorce or abandonment process.  Sometimes there is relief and then there are times the process can make you feel like you are going crazy.  When there is a reprieve, it’s nice.  But then the intensity fuels up and life feels insane once again.  When you have these […]

In a Divorce Who is Your Perfect Lawyer? 

When we are going through a divorce, we want to find the perfect lawyer.  One that will represent us well.  This is a valid need but the lawyer I’m talking about is not one that has Esquire after their name.  Take a listen to this recent Podcast to find out who your “perfect Lawyer” would […]

Are You Forsaken or Redeemed?

As we continue my teaching on Isaiah 54 and its beautiful promises, I believe this Podcast will bless your heart, bring encouragement and give you the strength to keep moving forward.  Divorce is hard and so many times we feel we aren’t going to make it.  That’s a lie.  You can, my friend, make it […]

Our Heavenly Father Delights in You!

When we experience the tragedy of divorce in our life it is so important to know that there is one who “delights in us” and that is our Heavenly Father.  Feeling rejected, abandoned and unloved can spiral us into a realm of depression, anxiety and fear.  Coming to know the one who delights in you […]

Fear Not! Don’t Be Afraid!

Today I’m going to talk with you about one of the enemy’s biggest weapons and that is fear.  When we allow fear into our life, we are also saying yes to the enemy controlling us.  Listen to this Podcast where I teach you what fear is (this may surprise you) and how do you get […]

How This Truth Kept Me Stable!

During the trauma of my divorce, there were many times I didn’t think I was going to make it.  No court ordered support was coming.  Dates to get back in court could take up to 60 days.  House going into foreclosure and on and on.  It was this truth that kept me stable during this […]

Deciding is Just the First Step!

How many of you read the statement in this picture and answer with the number 4?  I believe I did the first time I saw it, but it didn’t take me long to realize that I had the wrong answer. Read it again and take a few minutes to really read each word and be […]