Helpful Resources for Your Health and Well-Being!

One of my passions is to help you live a full and healthy life.  As a trained and certified Health Coach my world is full of learning about healthful ways of living, getting to the root of health issues and transforming lifestyles to obtain health and well-being. I obtain training from a wealth of Doctors […]

Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress and Damage to Your Body!

What is Free Radical Oxidative Stress and how is it affecting your body? Oxidation happens in our body when we take the oxygen we breath and pass that oxygen to our cells to produce energy.  Free radicals are also produced from this process.  Free radicals are normal and necessary to some degree as they can […]

What Goes in Our Food Should Not Be Taken Lightly!

So many times, I want to shout from the roof top warning people about the foods they eat.  I cannot stress it enough that what the food industry has done to our food supply is literally killing us.  Yes, literally killing us.  Is it a slow death?  Yes, but for some it can happen faster. […]