How Did We Get From Wholistic Healing to Chemicals Meds?

Have you ever wondered how we moved from natural healing modalities to “petro” chemical medications?  We can thank Rockefeller for this change in Western Medicine. One would hope that medicine is progressive and only gets better as we invest billions of dollars into research.  Sadly, on most counts it doesn’t.  Why are we becoming sicker […]

Do You Buy Your Supplements on Amazon?

Recently my son warned me about purchasing an External Hard Drive (EHD) on Amazon.  He said he watched a video on how there are people out there creating main brand looking EHDs and being deceptive on the size of the storage.  For example, they sell one as having 2 TB of storage, but it only […]

Is Your Body Building Up in Mercury?

I remember back in 2015 when I was dealing with intense levels of insomnia and unexplained anxiety, I decided to give Essential Oils a try.  Medications are always a last resort for me.  Although I did find relief on some level, my sleep was still not where I wanted it nor where it should be, and […]

Supporting Your Immune System with Herbs!

I don’t know about you, but I try to avoid putting any chemicals in my body as much as possible or at least intentionally.  I wanted to share with you the history of how we moved from natural healing and Naturopathic Doctors to a “pill for an ill” and Traditional Doctors but I cannot locate […]