Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

For almost 10 years, I worked helping women remove the clutter from their home or office.  It was so rewarding to see a room being transformed to a place of peace and joy.  Many times, clients would call me at the end of the day to tell me how wonderful it felt to sit in […]

What is More Harmful – the Sun or Sunscreen?

Summer is right around the corner and we will be spending more time in the sun whether we are gardening, yard work or laying at the beach.  For years we’ve been told how dangerous the sun is, but where did that “fear” begin? Is it possible that the sunscreen manufacturers who to spewing upon us […]

Can We Trust Organic Companies?

We definitely live in a time where it can seem so confusing as to what is safe and healthy to eat, put on our body or clean our homes with.  There is such an agenda out there to deceive us into believing chemicals are good for us.  That agenda is for their purpose and their […]

What Are You Putting on Your Body and Is It Safe?

Do you know that what you put on your body gets into your blood stream within minutes?  So, what does that say about your body care products?  What ingredients do they contain?  Are there ingredients in your body care products that are toxic?  That answer is yes. Added to that the FDA does not regulate […]

Giving You a Fresh Start!

It’s here.  We’ve just ended the summer months and are transitioning into fall.  Even though fall is not officially here, to me when we step into September, it’s fall.  So, what is instore for you this fall?  Any new projects, careers, relationships or simply crafting ideas. I have a new project in my Business that […]

Bird’s Eye View … from intuition to logic!

This week on our Panel Discussion, we each spoke about how we remove toxins from our home whether it be: What we clean our home with What we fragrance our home with What we put on our body What we put in our body Knowing what chemicals are in our cleaning products or laundry products […]

What Are You Putting on Your Body?

My journey into wellness has taken a number of years.  It started for me 40 years ago when I had Typhoid Salmonella Food Poisoning and was feed IV antibiotics.  I truly needed the antibiotics to rid my body of the bacteria.    But what I didn’t realize is what those bags of antibiotics would do to […]

The Importance of Healthy Cells

Can having a “healthy” life be simple and basic?  I think so.  If we go back to the basics of life and look at logic and reason, we will easily see what we can do to obtain healthful living.  It truly doesn’t have to be complicated.  But making lifestyle changes are probably a must.  Those […]

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

Clutter can be found in many places: Individual rooms of our home Garages Attics Basements Closets Cabinets File Cabinets Refrigerators Photo Boxes Yards Sheds Automobiles Pocketbooks School lockers Toy boxes Yikes that list can make you feel overwhelmed for sure.  But one area I didn’t put on the list was your mind.  Your mind can […]

Weekly Drops of Wisdom – doTerra Myrrh Essential Oil

This week we are spotlighting dōTERRA Myrrh essential oil. Extracted from the resin of the thorny Myrrh tree.   This essential oil has a woodsy, smoky, and herbaceous scent. In history, Myrrh essential oil was very valuable and often used in religious ceremonies because of its versatility. dōTERRA Myrrh oil can be incorporated in your daily […]