Could You Benefit From Having a New Relationship?

Could you benefit from having a new relationship?  But not just any relationship … the ultimate relationship! Have you ever found yourself in the cycle of “why?”  You ruminate over your why questions only to feel like you are like a hamster on a spinning wheel.  “Where are you, Lord?  Why does this keep happening […]

Don’t Put Security in Knowledge!

Are you one that studies, researches and digs to find answers to your problems, solutions for your health or programs that will help you or your children?  To then feel like you are swirling in a time funnel and don’t know where to begin let alone find a way out. We live in an Age […]

Why Is God Not Answering?

Have you had those times in your life when God seems silent?  Your praying, petitioning and sometimes begging but no answer.  When I had those times in the past, I thought God didn’t care or was mad at me and I lived with the lie for many years.  You might think it’s not a lie […]

Fear Not! Don’t Be Ashamed!

“Fear not, for you shall not be ashamed; neither be confounded and depressed, for you shall not be put to shame.  For you shall forget the shame of your youth, and you shall not [seriously] remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore.”  Isaiah 54:4 The Amplified Bible, AMP  After fear, shame is another strategy of […]