This next Essential Oil for Balancing emotion is one you probably never thought would be categized in this way.  It is Rosemary Essential Oil.  Most people think of Rosemary when it comes to cooking but many cultures use it for its internal benefits and energizing scent.

It’s used for more than you think!

Occasionally, when I am tired and have a little brain fog, I open my Rosemary Essential Oil and take about 3 deep breaths and I feel my head clearing up.  Additionally, Rosemary is also great for supporting your digestion but for this post, let’s focus on reducing nervous tension and fatigue.  Therefore, brings you balance.

Here is the description:

Rosemary is an aromatic, evergreen shrub whose leaves are frequently used to flavor foods such as stuffings, pork, roast lamb, chicken, and turkey. Along with its culinary applications, Rosemary has many benefits. Additionally, Rosemary supports healthy digestion and internal organ function when ingested. Long revered by experts, Rosemary was considered sacred by the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew cultures. Rosemary’s herbaceous and energizing scent is frequently used in aromatherapy. Taken internally it helps to reduce nervous tension and occasional fatigue.

Great oil to have in your collection … and even in your pantry.  Yes, I want to add to my Essential Oil supply AND my Spice Pantry!

Add Rosemary Essential Oil to your supply of Essential Oils for emotional support and for your Spice Pantry.

Your Spiritual Life and Health Coach … believing in you!


Rosemary Essential Oil for Brain Power!