We live in a very difficult time when things not only in our Nation but the Nations around us are in an upheaval.  Our Government and other organizations are trying to pin us against each other and hate each.  They are causing division amongst those with differently points of view.  So many families are divided because one person believes one thing, and another believes another.  It is such a sad situation only to add stress to one’s life.

With prices out of control and a young generation not being able to purchase a home for their young family, these young adults are stressed about their future.  Watching the destruction of our Nation with all these controlled weather conditions is hard for many to handle and get through.  Let alone dealing with other past traumas in their life.  It’s a no wonder many have shifted into PTSD.

So, what is the answer?

Peace over Anxiety

Now you might be saying “Ya right Regina.  Peace in my life as I’m dealing with all the upheavals in my life and our Country.  Do you live on another planet?”  No, I don’t.  I’m right here alongside you going through many of the same situations.  But I have chosen to have peace over anxiety.

How have I done that?

By a very powerful promise the Lord has given us.

Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]. John 14:27

Now Christ says he leaves us with His own peace and not as the world gives.  What are some of the ways the world gives peace?

Well, here are a few.  I’m sure there are more.

  • Encourages us to overindulge ourselves in what we want not necessarily what we need.Having more will make us feel better.
  • Encourages us to change our “gender” if we are not happy … because then we will have peace.
  • Buy that bigger house, better car or more adult toys to play with and then you will have peace and be happy.
  • Participates in the mental illness that many of our young adults are walking in (For Example: “I’m a they or them or I’m a cat)
  • Encourages us to focus on ourselves more than others.After all we deserve it.

For me the above Scripture is foundational in my life.  But one of the first things I had to do was believe and hold onto the fact that God’s Word is life and His promises are true.  I also had to believe that His promises are for me, and they are for you as well.

Has it been easy?

Not all the time.  Many times, I’ve had to really push through and hold onto this truth and sometimes I was barely holding on.  But it was a choice I had to make.  Was I going to accept God’s peace or focus on the issues at hand?  That doesn’t mean we just sit back and do nothing.  But in the process of being guided by God’s hand I had to make the choice that I would accept peace over anxiety and let me say there have been some very dark times.

Now mind you I grew up in anxiety.

It was my way of life.  Not that I wanted it, but I didn’t know how to do life differently.  I didn’t know how to make the changes in my life that would give me peace and rest.  I kept thinking that the only way to have peace was for the situation to go away or get better.  But that’s not true.  We can have peace even during a trial.

It’s been up and down and there were some days I wanted to quit but I’m so glad I picked myself up off the carpet and started again.  You too can have His peace.   I promise you if you can push through and believe in and stand on God’s way of peace you will eventually walk in it to the fullest.

You might be asking, “Well how do I get it or how do I walk in it?  My issues are so big right now and so overwhelming that I don’t even know how to start.”  Well the first step is a decision that you say, “I want Your peace, Lord.”  The next step is you must have a relationship with Him.  Peace doesn’t just magically fall on us and believe me there were times I thought it would or should.

I had to learn a few things.

I had to learn to stay close to the Lord and continually accept this gift.  If I have a gift for you and you don’t take it from my hands, then it’s not yours.  It’s still in my possession.  Same with the Lord’s gift.  You must take it, receive it, believe it and stand on it.  Then when anxiety pops its ugly head you say “nope anxiety you are not taking over my emotions.  I am walking in God’s peace.  Lord give me the Grace to continue walking in Your peace.”  Sometimes you must do this many times a day.  But eventually you will know how to gravitate to that place of peace and even stay they.

So don’t let your personal issues, your family issues or our Nation’s issues cause you to live and walk in anxiety.  There truly is a better way.  Reach out if you need some help.  I’m easy to connect with.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Tip #7 on Reframing Your Thinking!