28 Stress Reducing Ideas

With so much un-settlement STILL happening in our Nation … and the World for that matter, it is no wonder that the level of stress in people is at an all-time high.  Managing stress can be hard because when we have this sense of overwhelm, it’s hard to think clearly let alone come up with […]

The Importance of Healthy Cells

Can having a “healthy” life be simple and basic?  I think so.  If we go back to the basics of life and look at logic and reason, we will easily see what we can do to obtain healthful living.  It truly doesn’t have to be complicated.  But making lifestyle changes are probably a must.  Those […]

10 Ways to Help You Not Overeat Over the Holidays!

We are just two days away from the start of our Christmas celebration.  It’s been a tough year for this nation and celebrating Christmas may seem daunting.  Don’t let that happen to you.  Celebrate with your family.  Love on each other and enjoy your traditions. If you’ve made some “healthful” eating changes this year and […]

All Beginnings are Hopeful!

As 2020 is winding down and 2021 is fast approaching, are you feeling excited for this New Year?  Or has frustration, discouragement, resentment and anger filled your bucket?  Are you struggling with trying to be positive believing that 2021 will be a year with new promises and new adventures?  Is fear rising up in you […]

What Causes Insomnia in Aging Women?

Throughout our life we can have times, seasons or years of dealing with lack of sleep or insomnia.  There are a number of reasons that we can be dealing with this issue and the good news is we can move beyond it.  But as we age and begin to have changes in our body, insomnia […]

How to Create an Economical Food Budget

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas and Hanukkah heading our way, looking at our food budget and seeing how much we are spending can be a bit overwhelming.  Do you go to the grocery thinking, “I don’t have that much to buy this week” and you walk out paying way more than you anticipated?  Is […]

MSG and Deceiving Ingredients

I remember 24 years ago when my 18-month-old son was dealing with “night terrors,” the pediatrician told me that it was normal, and he would outgrow it.  Yikes.  You’re kidding … right?  He’ll out grow it?  Well when … tonight?  (Still amazed that physicians say things like that.) Well after some prayer and research, I […]

Vital Nutrients For Your Body

In order for our body to maintain a level of health, we need to take in specific nutrients daily.  We can take them via supplements.  But getting them from food is the best.  With that being said, we need to be sure the food that we eat daily is not tainted with pesticides and herbicides.  […]

10 Foods to Boost Your Mood

Food can affect your emotions and your moods.  Studies are showing that our gut is our second brain.  If you suffer from depression and/or anxiety, one of the things you should look at is what you are eating.  Processed foods would be a big NO.  Sugar would be a big NO.  Fresh “real” food is […]

Understanding Our Dairy!

As a child my go to drink was milk.  I LOVED milk and drank it with every meal and then some and even continued drinking milk well into my late 40’s.  For dinner every night, I would have a glass (or two).  The past 15+ years, I converted to organic dairy.  But one night at […]