Are You Emotionally Prepared for the Holidays?

It’s so hard to believe that Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hannukah are right around the corner.   It will be here before we know it.  I LOVE the Holidays.  I love the cooking, family and friends time, and of course the gift giving. What Holidays Should Be! Holidays are supposed to be joyful times with family […]

What is Considered Fear P@rn?

Happy Hannukah to my Jewish friends and clients.  I pray you are having a blessed week. I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by and that we are less than a week from Christmas.  Are you ready?  I am except for a few cookies to make.  Christmas is my favorite Holiday celebration.  I […]

“Non-Clutter” Gift Giving Ideas for Christmas!

With Christmas being only 13 days away, we can be in a frenzy to buy those last minutes gift only to feel overwhelmed, confused and at our wits end.  Helping you to be in peace is always my goal, so I decided again to put on my organizing hat. In my days of working with […]

Organizing for Christmas!

It is hard to believe we just celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas is just 20 days away AND I’m not ready … at least with my shopping.  I have purchased a few gifts so far but have still a whole lot more to go.  Having my Christmas Eve menu is important, but I have not fully […]