Have You Lost Your Voice and How to Find it?

Have you lost something important in your life that has kept you in afraid, unmotivated and paralyzed?  Then you are in the right place.  Today I want to talk to you about finding your voice?  Let’s get started. This Link Takes You to the Podcast! I’d Rather Read Your Message (Please share this message with […]

Whose Voice or Messages Do You Listen to?

So many voices going on in our head.  There are times we probably should hire a professional organizer to clear out the clutter of our mind to get rid of the inappropriate voices that don’t contribute to the well-being of our life.  Stop for a few minutes and take a listen to this message and […]

Why Do We Need Hobbies?

What are the things you do in your life to relieve some stress, have some fun and support your brain?  Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of having a hobby.  If you don’t have one or have one and haven’t been enjoying it, perhaps this message is for you.  I’m glad […]

Can We Have Healthy Anger?

Have you ever gotten so angry and were then made to feel you were doing something wrong?  Or have you been pummeled to stop your anger and let it go?  Then take a listen to this Podcast and find out what suppressing that anger can do to you. Here is the Link to this Podcast! […]

You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!

If you are feeling lost, abandoned, hurt, betrayed or unloved, take a few minutes to listen to this Podcast.  This message was a difficult one for me to give but I felt it was something the Lord placed on my heart to share so I was obedient. Podcast Link I’d Rather Read Your Message! Hello […]

What Has You Paralyzed in Life?

In life when we have issues to overcome, there is nothing better than hearing other people’s stories.  It can be refreshing to know someone else has been through what you are going through and came out the other end in victory. But it is also good to hear stories from those that didn’t bid well […]

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

As a Spiritual Life and Health Coach, I often hear from people how hard it is for them to make decisions.  So many times, in life, they become paralyzed in moving forward with even the simplest decision. I call this “decision fatigue.” What is decision fatigue? I believe it’s when you struggle with trying to […]

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life?

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life?  Sadly, I can say that I have for much of my life. When people reach out for Life Coaching issues, there are a few areas that they are looking to make changes in their life.  They perhaps are on overwhelm with fear, worry, anxiety and stress.  Now having […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does it Hold For You?

I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have a “fresh start.”  But what I’ve learned […]

Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?

Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?  As a new year begins, so many people come up with New Year’s Resolutions.  Do you and are you contemplating what you want to “resolve” for 2024?  Personally, I don’t come up with New Year’s Resolutions and I don’t encourage them.  To me they seem to be impulse decisions […]