What to Say When You Talk to Yourself?

I contemplated what I was going to call this Blog/Email post … What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself? Or What Lies Do You Believe? I then decided to turn it all around and title it: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself? I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “you will become […]

A Definition of Medicine … a different perspective

We’ve grown up to believe that medicine is that pill or liquid you take for a specific illness.  On many levels that is true but how about if we take a broader perspective on what the definition of medicine means. I love this definition: “Medicine is about the way you live your life.” Dr. Judith […]

Untreated Stress!

What is the definition of stress?  Stress is basically how our body responds to change.  This change can be good or can be difficult. Sometimes I feel my level of stress rise up when I’m getting ready to travel and go on a vacation.  As I am organizing, packing and preparing for my trip, there […]