What is Considered Fear P@rn?

Happy Hannukah to my Jewish friends and clients.  I pray you are having a blessed week. I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by and that we are less than a week from Christmas.  Are you ready?  I am except for a few cookies to make.  Christmas is my favorite Holiday celebration.  I […]

Step into Peace and Joy!

Many times, in life, things feel wrong, yucky, out of sorts and not where you want to be living. You don’t know why It’s unclear how you got there, and Getting out of this state of being seems impossible Basically, you know how you feel, but you can’t pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings. […]

What Category Does Your Food Fall Into … safe or poison?

I cannot shout this statement from the roof top enough! We, as a Nation, have fallen into the trap of purchasing toxic food that bring on dis-ease and then we are made to believe toxic medication will bring healing or protection to our body. Have you bought into the fear? Fear was so instilled in […]