Are There Toxins in Your Cleaning Products?

As a child, one of the wise things my mom did was give me chores.  There are four girls in my family but only three of us had chores.  My youngest sister was a little too young to take on that responsibility.  So, the household cleaning was divided amongst the three of us.  Every Saturday […]

What Are Your Thoughts on Raw Milk?

My purchase of dairy has changed over the years.  For the past 10-12 years I only purchased “organic” dairy but was very disappointed when I realized that the organic milk I was purchasing was “ultra-pasteurized.” Why did “ultra-pasteurized” milk concern me?  Because milk that is heated to over 280 degrees (ultra-pasteurized) has removed all nutritional value […]

Carbs or no Carbs?

Do you love carbs … like bread, crackers, rice, potatoes, and fruit … yes even fruit?  I have to say my weakness would be crackers.  I LOVE cheese and crackers for sure.  Fruit also is one of my staple foods especially in the summer when I can get organic blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries and […]

Circle of Life … your physical activity!

Were you able to glean any wisdom from last week’s Circle of Life focus on “Relationships?”  I would love to know your thoughts and if there are issues you are struggling with, just know I’m here to help. This week I want to discuss on the area of physical activity.  On my Circle of Life, […]