When we have experienced trauma, several things can result.  One of those things is becoming paralyzed in your life which prevents you from moving forward.  It’s like you are stagnant water that’s building up all these bacteria and making it unsafe for people to wade in.  Your life becomes like that stagnant water, and you are just “surviving.”  Is that you?  Then you are in the right place.  Take a listen to this new Podcast.  Glad you are joining me.

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I’d Rather Read Your Message

Welcome friends to Giving You a Fresh Start After Trauma. Regina Sanchez here as your host and I’m so glad you are joining me today.  My heart is that this message gives you hope and encouragement as you move along your journey of being healed from past pain and trauma.  Please remember to give it a like and even leave a comment if you are blessed.  Let’s get started.

I remember when I was married and we had a fight, things never got resolved.  My ex was good at stonewalling me and could go for long periods of time not talking to me.  When he finally decided to begin talking to me it was like a relief that it was over.  But it wasn’t over because the issue was never resolved, and I was too afraid to bring up it with him because another fight would start.  So, we could never get to some resolution.

When You Decide to Move Forward and Receive Your Healing …

When the time comes when we think we are ready to deal with the trauma from our past and get to some healing, we can become afraid to bring up the past issue because going through the pain again can be hard.  I remember being in therapy and going through the healing from my sexual abuse.  The pain was so intense that I’d be sitting in the chair almost in a fetal position and just wanting to get up and run out of the room.  My therapist was so good, and she would say to me,

“Stay with it, Regina, this is just the memory, not the act.”

When we finally make the decision to give ourselves a “fresh start,” become unstuck and begin to move forward, the healing process can bring us several different emotions that we can be afraid of.

Remember what my therapist said though,

“Stay with it, this is just the memory, not the act.”

Know that …

“A smooth sea never made a prominent sailor!” Unknown

What are some of those emotions that you can experience and be apprehensive about?

Starting over after trauma can be a blend of real pain and some hope.

There will be moments of pain but if you can keep in mind this is just a memory of the situation and you are not going through the physical act, you will then reach that place of hope.  Hope that you are getting better, and you will eventually be free.

Sadness and then some joy.

It will definitely bring some sadness into your life.  I don’t know what your trauma might have been, but when someone in our life hurts you, it is very sad.  I used to think “Why is my dad or my husband treating me this way?  Aren’t they supposed to love me.  I could never do this to someone else.”  Once I got to the place that perhaps they were behaving this way because of their own woundings, I began to be free.

My dad served in WWII and never shared what that was like until I had my son.  He shared some pretty traumatic stuff with my son that he experienced, and it was horrible.  These men came back and were not “debriefed” and given help.  It shed some light on why my dad perhaps behaved the way he did.  Not that it was right, but I understood a little more.

Once you acknowledge the sadness and give it to the Lord, joy will begin to replace it.

It’s a mixture of moments of faith and then moments of fear.

I was afraid at times to get to the trauma, give it a face and deal with it.  But when I let my faith rise in me and know and believe that my Father in heaven wanted me free, I was able to walk through the journey of healing.  Faith must be stronger than your fear.

Continuing on …

 There will be times when you would rather not remember but then times of excitement.

Having the memories come to the forefront is not always pleasant, but God protected me a lot with my memories.  Many times, He would shield them and not necessarily let me have the full visual in my head.  Going through this process was something I would rather have not gone through.  But once I did and experienced His full healing for each and every memory that rose up, the excitement of being free was more powerful than any bad thought or remembrance.

 You may fail along the way but if you keep moving forward your discouragement will turn to peace.

As we move through the healing process, we can continually be reminded that we are a failure.  We will never get through this.  This will be part of our life forever.  But those are all lies.  We might even regress in our emotions as we are working through the healing, that’s ok.  It’s bringing us one step closer to our goal of healing.  That discouragement we feel will eventually turn to peace … a peace that is beyond all understanding.

Some days you may feel like giving up and other days you are running in your race to victory.

There were days I wanted to give up as I was moving through my journey and trauma of divorce.  It was hard and so many things looked like they were going wrong.  The journey took so much longer than anticipated.  The cost was beyond unbelievable (if I told you how much you’d be shocked).  The daily chaos was difficult.  My sleep was horrible, and the level of stress was probably unmeasurable.  But for the “moments” I felt like giving up, the vision of finally being free from the bondage of abuse was greater.  I was running a race, and it did lead me to victory.

That my friend is a journey of having a fresh start after trauma.

There can be so many emotions and so many difficult times and only you can answer if it is worth it.  I know I can say every journey of healing I went through was worth every moment in time.  Did I wish I had a simpler life?  At times I did  But I wouldn’t dwell there because it would not bring me any fruit.  What I do know is that my victory in it all now gives me the ability to support you through yours.  And for that it was worth it.

If you are in any of these places and need some encouragement, you have stopped at the right place.  Let’s journey together to Giving You a Fresh Start After Trauma.  Join me now to be revived, rejuvenated and restored to a place of living free from your past emotional pain.

Remember God Wants You Well!

Well friends thank you for listening and as always, I pray that you are able to glean some helpful tips to move you along in your healing.  Always remember GOD WANTS YOU WELL!  Currently, I am putting together a Study Guide called “Your Journey to Wholeness.  God Wants You Well!”  Many people believe their illness or dis-ease is their cross to bear or that it is a lesson in something.  That is totally unbiblical.  God wants you well.  If He didn’t, why then did Jesus spend 3 years of His ministry healing all who were sick or oppressed.

This Study Guide will show you the Biblical truth of God wanting you well as well as how to move into that wholeness we so desire. If we want to be healthy, there is a part we need to play along as well.  We need to partner with God to keep ourselves whole.    So, keep on the lookout for this Study Guide and I will keep you posted as I move along in writing it.

So be blessed my friends and be encouraged to know that you are loved.  God bless and thanks for listening.

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Please share this message with someone you know who needs to be encouraged!

Are You Trying to Start Over After Trauma?

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