A Definition of Medicine … a different perspective

We’ve grown up to believe that medicine is that pill or liquid you take for a specific illness.  On many levels that is true but how about if we take a broader perspective on what the definition of medicine means. I love this definition: “Medicine is about the way you live your life.” Dr. Judith […]

Circle of Life … your home environment!

What is your spiritual life like?  Is it strong, growing and giving you the peace, love and guidance, you need?  I pray so. This week we will discuss the area of your home environment.  This Circle of Life Spoke on the Wheel is special to me as I have spent the last 8 years working […]

28 Stress Reducing Ideas

With so much un-settlement STILL happening in our Nation … and the World for that matter, it is no wonder that the level of stress in people is at an all-time high.  Managing stress can be hard because when we have this sense of overwhelm, it’s hard to think clearly let alone come up with […]