Have You Lost Your Voice and How to Find it?

Have you lost something important in your life that has kept you in afraid, unmotivated and paralyzed?  Then you are in the right place.  Today I want to talk to you about finding your voice?  Let’s get started. This Link Takes You to the Podcast! I’d Rather Read Your Message (Please share this message with […]

Why Do We Need Hobbies?

What are the things you do in your life to relieve some stress, have some fun and support your brain?  Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of having a hobby.  If you don’t have one or have one and haven’t been enjoying it, perhaps this message is for you.  I’m glad […]

Can We Have Healthy Anger?

Have you ever gotten so angry and were then made to feel you were doing something wrong?  Or have you been pummeled to stop your anger and let it go?  Then take a listen to this Podcast and find out what suppressing that anger can do to you. Here is the Link to this Podcast! […]

You Are Always a Somebody to Someone!

If you are feeling lost, abandoned, hurt, betrayed or unloved, take a few minutes to listen to this Podcast.  This message was a difficult one for me to give but I felt it was something the Lord placed on my heart to share so I was obedient. Podcast Link I’d Rather Read Your Message! Hello […]

I Think You Will Love Our Last Tip on Reframing Your Thinking!

Well, you have made it through 7 Tips to help you Reframe Your Thinking and Renew Your Mind.  This list is by no means all-inclusive, but it is definitely a start. It’s important to understand that it is something you must be conscience to apply daily … and sometimes many times a day.  Your mind […]

Tip #7 on Reframing Your Thinking!

We live in a very difficult time when things not only in our Nation but the Nations around us are in an upheaval.  Our Government and other organizations are trying to pin us against each other and hate each.  They are causing division amongst those with differently points of view.  So many families are divided […]

Message from Franklin D. Roosevelt!

As I have been sending you messages these past few weeks on reframing your mind and renewing your thinking, I thought I would interject this quick message to help you reflect on the past 6 messages.  The prior messages were: Walk in Faith Instead of Fear! Have Dreams Over Doubts! Walk With Purpose Over Procrastination! […]

Let’s Reframe Your Thinking by Moving from Self to Service!

One of the things that can be hard to overcome when we’ve experienced trauma is getting out of “self.”  When you’ve been traumatized and no one came to your rescue, you can become so self-focused that life becomes “all about me.”  I understand because I needed to learn to comfort myself and take care of […]

Renew Your Mind from Procrastinating!

This week we are moving into Tip #3 of 8 Tips to help you “reframe your mind and thinking.”  I would love to get your feedback on the prior two Tips.  Are they inspiring you to begin a new thought pattern?  Let me know. For years I lived in such a negative thought pattern.  I […]

Dream Not Doubts to Reframe Your Thinking!

Can you have “Dreams not Doubts” to begin to reframe your thinking? Today I am going to talk about Tip #2 of 8 Tips to Reframe Your Thinking or Mind.  What can you do to reframe your thinking from doubt?  Take a listen to this Podcast and grab a hold of Tip #2 on Reframing […]