Reframing Your Thinking With Tip #5

Did you ever feel so stuck in a situation that it immobilized you?  You don’t know which way to turn or which steps to take.  I’ve been there.  It’s like my feet are in mud and it’s beginning to harden like concrete.  I can’t move in any direction or even out of the situation. Well, […]

Renew Your Mind from Procrastinating!

This week we are moving into Tip #3 of 8 Tips to help you “reframe your mind and thinking.”  I would love to get your feedback on the prior two Tips.  Are they inspiring you to begin a new thought pattern?  Let me know. For years I lived in such a negative thought pattern.  I […]

Dream Not Doubts to Reframe Your Thinking!

Can you have “Dreams not Doubts” to begin to reframe your thinking? Today I am going to talk about Tip #2 of 8 Tips to Reframe Your Thinking or Mind.  What can you do to reframe your thinking from doubt?  Take a listen to this Podcast and grab a hold of Tip #2 on Reframing […]

Reframing Your Thinking to Walk in Freedom!

What do you think would happen in your life if you began reframing your thinking?  What would change for the better?  Do you hate the place you are emotionally living in right now and need change in your life?  It starts with what we allow ourselves to think about.  By reframing our thinking and turning […]

Peek Into My Coaching Program for a Free Lesson!

I have something special for you I recently went through my 12 Week Transform Your Trauma into Peace Coaching Program and updated it with some nice changes.  This revised Program is ready for release.  As a gift I want to share the First Week’s Lesson with you. Sometimes the word “trauma” intimidates people for a […]

I Liked Lawrence Welk … Not Alice Cooper!

When we have experienced major trauma in our life especially as a child, we can lose our identity or the person we were created to be.  We will make decisions based on who we “think” we should be and not who are were “created” to be.  It’s so easy for us to “lose ourselves.” We […]

What Has You Stuck or Paralyzed?

I love reading the stories in the Bible of what the Israelites went through to get from bondage to freedom.  There is so much we can learn from their experiences.  One of their major experiences that I glean much from is the time the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and how God delivered them.  […]

Have You Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder?

Have you been diagnosed with a mental disorder?  Then this Documentary is worth a listen.  I was preparing another message to send today but when I listened to this Documentary this morning, I felt I needed to share it. There was so much information reported here that I believe we all need to take a […]

Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet. I […]

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

For almost 10 years, I worked helping women remove the clutter from their home or office.  It was so rewarding to see a room being transformed to a place of peace and joy.  Many times, clients would call me at the end of the day to tell me how wonderful it felt to sit in […]