Would you believe me if I said that you, me and all of us humans are the largest human experiment in history? Before you click off reading, please stick with me.

A few weeks back I shared with you an interview of two whistle blowers exposing the Medical Industry and our Grocery Products Industry.  They were Casey and Calley Means (brother and sister).  Casey is an ex-surgeon from Stanford.  She walked away from being a surgeon because of her disgust of what is happening in the Medical Industry.  Calley is an ex-Lobbyist exposing what is happening in the Grocery Products Industry.  If you haven’t had a chance to listen to their testimonies, here is the link.  I HIGHLY recommend it.  Whistleblowers Testimonies

The exciting thing is they just went before Congress and had a Congressional Hearing.  They revealed their findings as well as others.  Another speaker there was Vani (also known as Food Babe).  Here is some of the things that Casey exposed as a Doctor to Congress.  This is part of her testimony.

Here is part of Casey’s Testimony

It is not an overstatement to say that I learned virtually nothing at Stanford Medical School about the tens of thousands of scientific papers that elucidate the root causes of why American health is plummeting and how environmental factors are causing this.

For instance:

Casey continues

She Adds more information

Finally she finishes with

  • Interesting statistic to leave out that girls in the US are hitting puberty 5 years earlier than they were in 1920 because of hormone disrupting chemicals that are now ubiquitous in our environment.
  • Of course this would not have been taught that the professional organizations that we get our guidelines from like the American Diabetes Association and American Academy of Pediatrics have taken tens of millions from companies like Coca-Cola, Cadbury Chocolate, processed food companies, and vaccine manufacturers.
  • I didn’t learn that if we address these root causes and help patients change their food and lifestyle patterns, rather than eating processed food and relying on pharmaceutical treatments, we could reverse the chronic disease crisis in America and save millions of lives and trillions of dollars in health care costs per year.

In medical school, I learned that the body was 100 separate unrelated parts, and I learned how to diagnose, drug, operate, and bill.

Powerful Testimony!

What a powerful testimony and that was only part of it.  There were many more that spoke.  People like Vani and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

We need to take control of our health and stop leaving it in the hands of our doctors.  People have said to me, “Well I trust my doctor!”  Well good for you.  Can you guarantee your Doctor knows everything about every diagnosis, procedure, medication or vaccine they recommend?  I can tell you a resounding NO!  Stop putting your health in the hands of people that don’t know it all, cannot know it all (too much information coming forth to keep up with it all), who know nothing of nutrition, and sadly some who are in it for the profits.

If you would like to listen to the hearing, here is the link.  Congressional Hearing?  Fast forward to about 30 minutes for it to begin.  Start now educating yourself about how we have been lied to regarding food, medicine and vaccines.

Hear My Heart Here!

Please understand I’m not trying to be a “doom and gloom” person, negative nellie or “judgmental.”  I’m trying to open eyes that are blinded to what our government, our medical industry and our food industry has hoodwinked us into believing.

We can put our heads in the sand.  That is truly everyone’s choice.  But eventually you will run out of oxygen and will need to take in some air.  But holding your breath for a long period can do damage.  Take some time and begin to listen to what others have been shouting from the roof tops and are now getting more and more vocal about.  Soon you will not be able to ignore what is being exposed.  I recommend you take it in gradually because if you heard all of it at once, it might push you over the edge.  I am not joking.

I tried warning people back in 2020 about the injection that was being pushed on people and sadly it offended and upset people to the point that some won’t talk to me anymore.  But 4 years later as I was being “judged” as a conspiracy theorist is now coming forth as truth.

It’s sad that family and friends have walked away but it won’t stop me from speaking.  I’ve studied natural wellness for over 40 years.  Understand you do not have to have MD after your name to have some intelligence.  If I can help just one person see truth, then I will feel blessed.

We are being poisoned with our food, our environment, our medications and vaccines.  Make a decision to research, read, and seek guidance on how to change your lifestyle to bring you to a healthy place.  I promise you; you will be glad you did.

Love you all,

Your Spiritual Life and Health Coach … believing in you!

We Are All Human Experiments! Don’t Believe Me?