Can This Ingredient Wreak Havoc to Your Brain?

Sometimes we just focus on very serious health issues with our bodies.  But there are minor things happening to us that need to be addressed, given attention and changed.  Take a listen to this Podcast as I address an ingredient, yes, an ingredient that could be wreaking havoc to your mind or brain.  And it’s […]

Clear the Clutter In Your Mind!

We can tend to have clutter in various rooms of our home or office which makes our life feel overwhelming.  We don’t know how to begin uncluttering these rooms, so we call in a Professional Organizer to help us put organizational systems in place. But there is one area we never think about having to […]

We Are All Human Experiments! Don’t Believe Me?

Would you believe me if I said that you, me and all of us humans are the largest human experiment in history? Before you click off reading, please stick with me. A few weeks back I shared with you an interview of two whistle blowers exposing the Medical Industry and our Grocery Products Industry.  They were […]

Don’t Let the Medical Industry Make You a Customer!

Do you ever sit back and wonder why our society has sicker and sicker people?  I do.  It is so on my mind and in my heart that sometimes I battle with having to shut my mouth and not give someone advice on what they are sharing with me.  They have fallen into the plan […]

God Knew What He Was Doing When He Created the Earth!

There is no explanation needed here.  Just basic common-sense eating.  God knew what He was doing when He spoke the Universe into existence.  Every detail of everything He created was well designed and for a purpose. Don’t let people tell you eating too much fruit is not good for you.  Fruit is better than juice.  […]

The Truth About Frozen Yogurt … and Ice Cream.

Let’s talk about frozen yogurt and even ice cream for that matter.  I’m so disappointed in these foods as they are a favorite to eat during the summer months.  But I’ve changed my tune recently and avoid eating these products. I remember years ago when we lived in our other home, close by was a […]

It’s Time to Think About School (and work) Lunches!

As summer is winding down and many of you are preparing for your children to get back to school, I thought this information would be helpful for you to pack “healthy” lunches and snacks for your children. BTW, these ideas can apply to you if you pack your own work lunch!!! I highly recommend you […]

Is Life NOT a Bowl of Cherries?

Cherries are one of my favorite fruits.  I could literally eat this whole bowl in one sitting and need restraint to stop myself.  Are you a cherry lover like me?  If you are not, you might ask what is so wonderful about cherries?  Well, you can find two different types … tart or sweet. I […]

Is Canola Oil Safe?

I just want to send a quick message to you regarding a topic that comes up a lot for me with people in my coaching circle.  Many people use Canola Oil and have a belief it’s ok.  I try to explain to them that it’s not necessarily the plant that the oil comes from that […]

Why Won’t the Weight Go?

Why Won’t the Weight Go?  Do you ask yourself this question? A few weeks ago, I did a Blog post on the insanity of the diet industry.  If you haven’t read it, click this link to go there Different Dietary Theories .  I stated at the time of my writing there were at least 114 […]