One of my heart’s passions is to teach people about the toxins in the products they purchase.  I do this in a few ways.

  1. My 12 Week Coaching Program has a week on gut health.  We discuss the importance of what you put in your body as well as on your body and their effects on your emotions.
  2. Detox Your Home Program where I will come in and show you what products are dangerous to your health.

Sometimes I feel like I want to shout from the roof tops about this topic because I don’t believe people understand the importance of the chemicals in our environment and how they are causing havoc to our health.

A Worthwhile Documentary.

Once again, I came across a Documentary that I loved and found incredibly informative.  A dad who lost his wife to breast cancer began to have concerns with some pajamas he purchased for his two daughters from Justice Clothing store.  He said when he opened the package the smell was so strong he knew it couldn’t be healthy and became concerned.  It was then he realized why he found his wife in the bathroom one day dumping the contents of their medicine cabinet and linen closet into the garbage.

He tried to call the company to find out what the chemicals were in their clothing but was told it was “proprietary” and they wouldn’t release it.  After trying many different venues … even attending a Board of Directors Meeting because he purchased one share of stock to attend, he had no success.

His Findings Were Disturbing.

This dad’s only answer was to send the clothing to a chemist for an analysis.  His findings were quite disturbing.  But I will let you listen to the rest of the story by clicking the link below.

Many times, I have clients tell me they changed many of their products to “safer” products but only to have been deceived.  For example, they now purchase Tide Free and believe it’s safe.  Friends I am sorry to tell you but it’s not.  “Free” is just a marketing ploy to make you believe they are making their products safe.  That’s why I give my clients a list of chemicals to stay away from and we go through their products and read ingredients.  Don’t just trust the front of the bottle with their marketing deceptions.

This Documentary will uncover the dangers of “fragrance” and why we need to stay away from products that contain the word “fragrance” and so much more.  It is about an hour and thirty minutes long and worth every minute.

Educate yourself about the chemicals in your environment and who knows it just want help you turn your health around.  Once again, here is the link to the Documentary “Stink”.

Documentary “Stink”

Choose to become an educated consumer!  Enjoy the film!

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

Do the Products in Your Home “Stink?”