A few years ago, from 2012 – 2019, my sister and I were our parents Power of Attorney (POA) and Medical Representatives.  This meant we were to help navigate their finances and medical care.  Both my parents had several medical issues and were either in the ER or a Doctor’s office often.  When they would see their usual doctor, have a visit with a new Doctor or be in the ER all their medical issues had to be reviewed.  Having all that in order was a challenge, especially with my mom.

After repeating their medical issues, medications, surgeries, etc. AGAIN this one particular day, I decided to create a form that would have all that information in one place.  (That’s what happens when you are an organizer and organization is in your DNA.).  So, when they ended up in the ER, I would literally hand the medical staff a copy of their completed form.  They were so grateful for having that information in one place.  It made it so easy for the medical staff to input all that information into their computers.

Now adays that information is usually kept in the “system” as long as you are seeing Doctors from the same Corporation.  But they still need updates upon every visit.

Today I decided to send my Medical Information Form to you so you can have a way to keep your medical information or for your family member’s medical information all in one place.

I hope you find this helpful.  Click the link below to download your Form.

Medical Information Form


Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you.

Keep All Your Medical Information in One Place