How is your patience these days?  Are you feeling frustrated, annoyed and impatient for something to change in your life?  Then you are at the right place.  Take a listen to this podcast and learn a lesson from a Lemon Tree!

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Welcome friends to my Podcast Giving You a Fresh Start After Trauma!  I’m glad you are here, and I pray that this message blesses and encourages you.  Let’s get started.

Are you praying or have you prayed for something to happen in your life, and it seems like it’s falling on deaf ears?  I know I’ve been there and actually can say I’m waiting on something right now that has not come to fruition yet and I’ve gone through many emotional and mental gymnastics as I wait.  I’m sure you’ve been in that place as well.

Well, there could be reasons for that waiting and God is teaching me a lesson from a lemon tree that my daughter-in-love (Erin) has asked me to take care of.  I love how God gives me lessons from movies, books and in this case nature.

Follow me here.

I was asked to care for a lemon tree by Erin because her new apartment was too small.  The best place for it is in my bathroom because of all the light from the window and skylight.  When she brought the tree to me it was October of last year.  Well wouldn’t you know leaves began dropping off and I mean tons of them.  I was so concerned because I didn’t want to destroy her plant.  So, I called a nursery, and they told me it was normal.  Lemon trees are temperamental like Ficus trees.  The leaf dropping eventually did stop.

But then what happened?  Gnats.  There was an infestation of gnats.  I tried everything to stop it … everything but not chemicals.  To no avail, they were multiplying like crazy.  When Thanksgiving came, Erin brought the tree outside and got rid of all the dirt because in the dirt was the larva of the gnats.  You couldn’t see the larva, you just knew they were there.

What we did to help get rid of the gnats!

She rinsed the roots, and we put in back in the pot with fresh organic soil.  Thankfully that resolved the issue.  Now when she gave me the tree there were 3 yellow lemons and one small one that was green.  Two of the yellow lemons are still on the tree and the green one is just starting to turn yellow.

I asked her how long it take for the yellow ones to be ripe enough to come off the tree.  She said a while.  Well, I went to my friend google and found out it could be 6 – 9 months before the lemon is ready to be removed from the tree!

Even when you think it’s ready, it’s not!!!





Now two weeks ago what do I find?  This little bud.  I snap this picture and send it to Erin.  She is so excited.










Then a few days later, it opens to this … so delicate and pretty.  I don’t even want to touch it for fear of it breaking off.  I leave it alone.














Then a few days after that, I wake up to this.  I was so concerned.  The flower was already dead.









I text Erin and she reassures me that it is normal.  Because you see in the center of the dead flower is the new lemon about to emerge!!  How wonderful is nature.












You might ask what does this have to do with waiting for a promise or waiting for change.







The analogy is wonder!

Just like that lemon tree had a change of environment by coming in the house for the winter, we too can have a change in our life and that change can be unsettling.  As we are trying to adjust to that change, we can have those little gnats in our life that bring on stress, insecurity, sleeplessness, and a host of other annoying situations.

But once you adjust to this change and even get to the root of what is causing those annoying situations, you can then move into a level of peace and begin to wait more patiently for your answered prayer.  Now this lemon tree has been in my house for 5 months before a new lemon began to appear.  While we are waiting, there can be some purging, adjusting, repenting and even relearning that we may need to do before our prayer gets answered.

It takes 6 – 9 months for the fullness of the lemon to be done.  It’s a slow growth but in the slow growth much beauty and life are being created.

Is your growth slow?

In your slow growth, what beauty is being created?  What lessons are you learning?  What changes are you implementing. Stay the course and for me I stay close to the Lord.  I want to learn every lesson and glean all the wisdom because you see I don’t want to go around the same mountain a second time.

So, if you are feeling a sense of frustration for something you’ve been waiting for and it doesn’t seem to be happening, perhaps God is causing something new to grow inside you and that it’s just going to take some more time.  Be patient and be connected.

Well friends, thank you for listening to this Podcast as I hoped you gleaned something from it.  Whatever you may have taken away from it, meditate on it.  Ask the Father about it and ask Him to make it be life inside of you.

As always, I am here to help coach you along to your desired goals and desire to help you live in peace, love, joy and rest.  God bless and remember that you are loved.  I love you and the Lord loves you!

Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!

What a beautiful story!  I love how you created a heavenly lesson from the lemon tree!  -Kathie


Please share this message with someone you know who needs to be encouraged!

Lessons From a Lemon Tree!

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