When it Seems Like God is Silent!

Are you currently in circumstances that are difficult, troubling and overwhelming and you have been praying for God to take them away but to no avail?  Day after day you cry out to God, and nothing seems to change.  How about “renewing your mind” to what God may be doing through you.  Give this a […]

What is Causing Your Fatigue?

I don’t know about you but more and more people I speak to tell me they are so fatigued.  It makes you stop and pause to wonder why there is so many people dealing with being so tired all the time. I Had Seasons of Fatigue There was a season of my life that I […]

Aromas Can Trigger a Brain Response!

Do you know aromas can trigger a brain response?  Being that they do, you want to be sure the aromas you are inhaling are safe.  That’s why it’s critical you know where your essential oils are coming from. Are you able to see the GCMS reports on each oil from the company you are using? […]