Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress and Damage to Your Body!

What is Free Radical Oxidative Stress and how is it affecting your body? Oxidation happens in our body when we take the oxygen we breath and pass that oxygen to our cells to produce energy.  Free radicals are also produced from this process.  Free radicals are normal and necessary to some degree as they can […]

What is Your Gut Telling You?

Is stress, anxiety or depression part of your life for so long that it seems like having these emotional imbalances is a normal way of life?  It’s with you throughout the day but somewhat unnoticed.  But at night when you are asleep and all is quiet, it pops its ugly head.  You’ve tried therapy, supplements […]

Are You Loving “Stuff” a Little Too Much?

When I was in my full-time organizing mode, I had clients who struggled with letting items go even if they had no need for these items.  Sometimes those items were held onto for: Security A sense of feeling a part of something Not feeling lonely Wanting the memory of the item because they thought if […]

What Has You Paralyzed in Life?

In life when we have issues to overcome, there is nothing better than hearing other people’s stories.  It can be refreshing to know someone else has been through what you are going through and came out the other end in victory. But it is also good to hear stories from those that didn’t bid well […]

Are There Toxins in Your Cleaning Products?

As a child, one of the wise things my mom did was give me chores.  There are four girls in my family but only three of us had chores.  My youngest sister was a little too young to take on that responsibility.  So, the household cleaning was divided amongst the three of us.  Every Saturday […]

Do You Have Decision Fatigue?

As a Spiritual Life and Health Coach, I often hear from people how hard it is for them to make decisions.  So many times, in life, they become paralyzed in moving forward with even the simplest decision. I call this “decision fatigue.” What is decision fatigue? I believe it’s when you struggle with trying to […]

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life?

Have You Experienced Narcissists in Your Life?  Sadly, I can say that I have for much of my life. When people reach out for Life Coaching issues, there are a few areas that they are looking to make changes in their life.  They perhaps are on overwhelm with fear, worry, anxiety and stress.  Now having […]

It’s a New Year!  What Does it Hold For You?

I don’t know about you, but I do enjoy “firsts”.  When I was younger, I always loved the first day of school or the first day of a new job and even the first day of the year.  It was a time to feel like you can have a “fresh start.”  But what I’ve learned […]

Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?

Do You Make New Year’s Resolutions?  As a new year begins, so many people come up with New Year’s Resolutions.  Do you and are you contemplating what you want to “resolve” for 2024?  Personally, I don’t come up with New Year’s Resolutions and I don’t encourage them.  To me they seem to be impulse decisions […]

Is Your Food Poisoning You? Could be!

Ponder this statement from Jane Goodall  for a few minutes and think about the food that is in your cabinet or pantry.  Is your food poisoning you?  Does the food you eat cause you to have increased stress, anxiety or depression?  Can it be causing il-health or dis-ease? We cannot think that by continuing to […]