Do you find yourself not speaking when you know in your heart you should? Are they people in your life that have made you feel your voice has no value? Have you been stopped in speaking out for your wants, needs, desires and opinions? Many times, when we are in a difficult or abusive situation you can get pummeled to close your mouth. Allowing someone to silence you or silencing yourself is not a healthy thing to do. If this is you, take a listen to this very short podcast to encourage you to take the tape off your mouth.
You Can Listen to the Podcast Here!
“I’d Rather Read Your Message!”
Hello friends. Welcome to my Podcast Giving You a Fresh Start After Trauma. As always, I’m glad you are here for this very short message.
This weekend I gave a little encouragement to a dear friend as she is trying to mend a relationship with her daughter. Her daughter is upset that my friend left an abusive relationship, got divorced and final got free. Of course, during her time of marriage and departure my friend made some mistakes, but she owns them and is trying very hard to mend her relationship with her daughter. Sadly, the daughter listens to other people and believes a whole bunch of lies. She is also a little on the disrespectful side and says things to her mom that are so hurtful. It’s very sad. My friend is sweet, kind, gentle and loving.
She this weekend responded to a message her daughter sent and wanted my opinion before she hit send. I told her it was very well written as she answered questions, set boundaries and spoke truth. Feeling insecure she asked me if she should send it. I told her only she could answer that, but she should pray and if she has peace then send it.
Her response was heartbreaking. “I have peace in what I wrote, and I have peace in sending it, but I don’t have peace in the possible results.” Her fear or concern for the outcome was possibly causing her to not speak truth. She was almost silencing herself.
My heart hurt for her because I know what it’s like to finally get to that place of standing up for yourself and when you do, it makes matters worse. What is the result? Silence. You withdraw into yourself and don’t speak out even when you should.
Friends don’t silence yourself or let others silence you. Fortunately, she did hit send but I have not checked in with her to hear what happened.
I Iove this statement from Mira Hadlow.
Really what is the worse that could happen if you speak truth? The person could not like you, pull away from you and not want you in their life. If that is the outcome, then perhaps they are not someone worth having in your life. Now I get it’s hard when it’s family and especially your child. But we cannot let someone take away our voice, criticize our character and judge things we say or do.
Like the statement above says…
“If you are silencing yourself for this reason, they already don’t like you. They only like a fictional version of you.”
And who wants to play a character?
Be who God created you to be. Speak the truth in love and don’t let anyone take your voice away. You have something worthwhile to say.
Your Spiritual Life & Health Coach … believing in you!