Is Your Food Poisoning You? Could be!

Ponder this statement from Jane Goodall  for a few minutes and think about the food that is in your cabinet or pantry.  Is your food poisoning you?  Does the food you eat cause you to have increased stress, anxiety or depression?  Can it be causing il-health or dis-ease? We cannot think that by continuing to […]

We Need Salt!

Yes we need salt! So many diets tell us to be salt-free or to watch our intake and keep it minimal.  Now I agree with watching our intake, but I disagree with being free of this mineral.  Our body needs this mineral to: Conduct nerve impulses. Contract and relax muscles. Maintain proper balance of water […]

Leftover Turkey Recipes!

I hope this message finds you well and that you had a beautiful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Does having leftover turkey recipes lighten your load on what to do with all your turkey?  Not sure about you but I definitely have leftovers from my Thanksgiving meal.  Today I made my pot of Turkey soup, […]

52 Clutter Free Gifts!

Over the years I’ve sent messages on giving Christmas or Hannukah gifts that are heart felt and clutter free.  I thought I’d do it again. But this time I’m going to post something from Becoming a Minimalist.  I think they capture the idea beautifully. So, make your list and check it twice.  Be sure you […]

Two Ways to Care for Your Skin

Last week I talked about the importance of understanding that our skin is our largest organ and that our skin tells us much about our gut health.  It is a great barometer of our overall health.  If you didn’t have a chance to read about that topic, here is the link to read.  Our Skin […]

Your Skin is a Great Barometer of Your Health!

Understanding that your skin is the largest organ of your body will perhaps help you look at what might be happening on your skin differently.  When your body internally may be shutting down or having health issues, you may not know it until it is progressed to dis-ease and effecting internal organs.  But your organ, […]

Can We Trust Organic Companies?

We definitely live in a time where it can seem so confusing as to what is safe and healthy to eat, put on our body or clean our homes with.  There is such an agenda out there to deceive us into believing chemicals are good for us.  That agenda is for their purpose and their […]

Has Life Killed the Dream You Dreamed?

How many of us have had a dream to only have it destroyed or killed by the life around us?  You grew up with something on your heart that you wanted to accomplish, create or conqueror to only have life issues take it all away. I know I have.  I grew up with two dreams.  […]

Structure gives you Freedom!

Structure gives you Freedom!  This statement may be hard to comprehend because when we think of “Freedom” we think of being able to do what we want when we want with no restrictions, hinderances or limitations.  But actually, that is the reverse of having freedom. Freedom embodies something deeper than we think.  There really isn’t […]

Does Your Trauma Own You?

Does Your Trauma Own You?  That might seem like a very bizarre question but go with me here.  Trauma affects each of us differently.  What may affect one person adversely can be no big deal to another.  But for those times when trauma adversely affects you and it goes unhealed and left to percolate in […]